Chapter Three Tamera

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I sat across the street from the mansion that was throbbing with music, lights and people. A party? Why had Vanessa come here? Whose house was this? Her next victims?! Well, okay that may be a bit dramatic, but really, where was I? I got out of the car to look at the street sign ahead, try and get my bearings. I didn't come into the city often, but when I did I certainly didn't come to this part of town. I shook my head, and approach the sign. Rose Street, well that's a bit odd. Rose, why does that name feel so important to me?

I shake my head and decide it's party time. I'm not dressed particularly fancy, but my knee length skirt and nice blouse would do. I hoped. I walked up to the door, not bothering to knock since I doubted anyone would hear it over all the noise. My goal is to find Vanessa, that's it. Find her, keep tabs on her, don't let her out of my sight. I needed to find out once and for all if she was the one or not.

As I entered I again wondered who the hell's house is this?! It's huge, beautiful and full of people. I turn in a circle, taking them in and quickly realize this isn't the kind of party I thought it was. This is definitely not a frat kid throwing a party at his mom's house while she's away on the weekend. Whoever is hosting this is loaded, they have a live band, servers carrying trays of hors d'oeuvres and flutes of champagne. And every guest here is 25+ and probably has more money than I'll ever see. I turn to the person standing next to me with a silver tray with tiny salami wrapped pieces of asparagus, and asked them who the host of this party was, flashing my badge. The attractive young lady shook her head and sighed.

"Mistress Vanessa Driscoll ma'am. I believe she's upstairs, all I ask is that you do try not to cause to much of a scene. She is quite a respected figure, and this is the anniversary party for her darling late daughter. She throws it every year." She informed me in a quiet voice. Her voice held such admiration for her boss, and it almost made me forget who she had just said who owned this house. Vanessa Driscoll?!!!?

Like Vanessa, the waitress?! How in the hell did she afford this place? Off of the late Mr. Driscoll's money? Had she really gotten this much?? And the STREET! It was named after her daughter, that's why it seemed so familiar. Rose, as in Cynthia Rose. Dear god, who was this woman?? She bought this mansion, this street, could afford to hire live bands, had a whole catering service, and lord only knows what else. This is insane, where is she?? I need to find her and get some answers, I head towards the stairs, pushing people out of my way as I go. I think on that the server had said about "Mistress Vanessa" being respectable. Maybe she wasn't guilty at all, maybe I was wrong. I hoped I was wrong... For her sake as much as mine.

I finally made it to the base of the stairs and was in awe of the detail given to the oakwood banister and paneling on the stairs. So gorgeous. If this was Vanessa's house then what was she doing working a waitress job in my town and living in a shit apartment? It couldn't possibly be her, it had to be a mistake.

It didn't matter. I couldn't find a single person here named Vanessa. I had asked about a million people. Everyone led me in a different direction, the cellar, the ballroom, the observatory, the kitchen, the bedrooms. I had run into one or two people I knew, the recently widowed Toralee Hill being one of them. She was on her way out, a bit too drunk, thank god she had a driver. I wandered around for another hour, no luck. It was time to go find Vanessa in town. Even if she wasn't my killer, she had some explaining to do. 

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