Too Little Too Late

42 18 8

K-Pop; a music genre we all know well,
Talented Korean singers, rappers, dancers
Gathered in one big swell
Of a certain type of music that showcases their skills.

Idols gain fame, popularity, and wealth
AKA a great life, am I right?
Wrong. Although there are good things,
Fans are shielded from the Idols' fight.

Hate, blackmail, death threats and more
Are some of the gruesome hardships
They have to deal with.
Pressure builds up over time 'till the Idol's wills rip.

Stress and depression become one,
As their peace is destroyed and thoughts turn black
'Cuz people's words hurt them and bring them down
To the point where they want to jump and not look back.

This happens more and more
Each year, week, and every day.
As young souls are lost to darkness,
What do you have to say?

It was you who did this,
You who gave them hate.
You're sorry? You apologize?
Guess what. They're already gone. It's too little, too late.

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