The Girl and the Toad

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There once was a girl,
Her life was easy and smooth
She always got what she wanted
No matter if she was rude.
She lived her life in peace;
Not caring about others' needs
She didn't cook or clean
She didn't pull the weeds.
She cared only for herself;
Her life, her money, her joy
And did whatever she could to help herself;
Her compassion she had destroyed.

One day she came upon a forest
And in that forest a toad
The toad was kind and magical
But to the girl he showed
Nothing but pity and heartbreak
For she had no heart or soul
For anyone but herself
Her personality was that of a troll.

The toad and girl started talking
And soon she found out that
The toad was magical
But hid it from her: a brat.
The girl wanted his magic
And what she wanted she got
So she threatened him for his powers
But docile he was not.

She eventually had had enough
And turned the toad upside down
She put him in a lake
And made the poor toad drown.
Little did she know
That this was a fatal move
For now a curse was placed on her:
Her attitude she must improve
If it stays the same, her descendants will live in misery:
A curse in which there is no cheating.
For they will turn into a toad
If their intentions are self-seeking.

The heavens were angry at her actions
These were the gods' harsh words of truth
Furiously casting this curse on her;
They cursed the girl throughout her youth.

Although the young girl heard their punishment
She did not change through her days;
Always greedy, selfish, angry and rude
She was mean in many ways.
Because of this the curse did not lift
And now her descendants hate her loads.
Because of her insufferable attitude,
They all turn into toads.

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