Nick & heath (also heathizzy bc its heathizzy)

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  1. Nick loves his son so much that for his 15th birthday he sent him to Survival training thing something like that heath loved it was best brithday ever (until Izzy shh..)

2. when heath got the to be on A-troupe nick jumped with joy and they went out and got Survival kits it was for babies but nick was so happy he didnt look heath still liked the gift (even tho he gave to the baby next door

3. they are best friends even do some people think that's weird they dont mind 

4.when every Izzy come around heath has to sho nick away so they dont get caught 


6. whenever a new jerky comes out nick has to get for heath for Izzy 

7. heath loves his dad but some times he is too happy he thinks if he get any happier he be happier then anyone in the world sometimes  (jk all the time) he loves that about him 

8. nick has been warming up heath to Izzy by saying how great he is and amazing dancer and an amazing person he is and you should go out with him izzy think its weird that he knows all lot she thinks he stalks everyone now  

9. heath know just as much of his dad about dance manna if not more they once did a challenge to see who knows more (heath does) about dance manna heath was winning but didnt want nick to get upset so he said he didnt know an answer and nick won 

10. whenever nick has to go home late heath rides with on my the bros when he gets home he somehow finds always finds jerky for Izzy on the table with dinner 

ok I hoped you like that ofc I had to and heathizzy so hopefully, there will be more chapter but right I have homework so try  to do on Sunday Sunday my only free day the rest I have homework  and sports bye hoped you liked the headcanons baiii

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