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1. Izzy was the first to suggest a friend date to heath 

2. B-troupe stalked heathizzy on there friend date The first time 

3. Once some one thought they were a couple they had to say no the person didn't believe them and still doesn't 

4. B troupe have a bet on who will confess first and who will kiss first 

5. They have sleepovers every weekend much to ozzy annoyance

6. B- troupe have tried to make them kiss my "accident"

7. Izzy has tied to make heath get the hint that she likes him 

8.heath has mixed feeling for Izzy because he doesn't want to be bad with ozzy again 

9. When Izzy tells people  about nick stalking everyone they all believe her even (Cleo and ozzy shh)

10. Heath is thinking to confess to Izzy on her birthday 

Ok I hope you all liked the head-cannon umm I may have a problem about onLy writing heathizzy head-cannon

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