Chapter 7: Ella

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Two hours later Ella was still sitting at the bar talking to the stranger she had met earlier that morning at Starbucks. She couldn't help but laugh at his jokes and smile as he told her his favorite movie and why he loved working in the movie industry. He could say anything and she would turn into putty with his sexy British accent he had. She was shocked to learn he was such a down to earth person. Almost as if he was normal. She hadn't laughed like this in years and it felt good just to enjoy herself and her time.

She looked down at her phone that sat on top of the bar next to her empty glass as the screen lit up with a new text message.

Robert: We are home. Did you stop to get a pedicure? Enjoy your time! See you soon!

She knew she needed to leave to return to her reality that did not include this handsome movie star and the sadness she felt before as she drove away from this stranger this morning started to overpower the inside of her chest. She still could not understand why it was there or how strong it was, but she knew this time it would be for good. He was busy and traveling the world as a young movie star. She knew he was seven years younger and knew there was no way he would want a friend who was a mom, wife and a preschool teacher. There was no way she could ever fit in his glamours life and there was no way he could fit in her simple one.

She texted Robert back letting him know she grabbed dinner with a friend from work and was leaving soon. She knew it was wrong to lie, but was it really a lie? Hero was her new friend that she just so happened to be attracted too. But it's like she said before, he was a twenty two year old movie star there was no way he would even think of her in that way at all.

She looked over at him with a small smile as she sadly said, "I should probably get going. Thank you so much for the drink. I had a really nice time."

Hero sat up to grab his wallet out of his back pocket. He opened it up to grab three twenty dollar bills to pay for their drinks. "Thank you for joining me." He lays the money flat on the bar and looks up into Ellas eyes.

His deep green eyes are so breath taking she can't help but get lost in them. It is as if time stands still and she has lost everything surrounding her. She knew right then he could of asked her to do anything and she would oblige with no hesitation as she is under his spell.

He starts to stand up from his stool and she can't help but look up at him while he is standing right in front of her. His body looks hard with muscle and the idea of her falling to her knees in front of him makes her lick her lips again as heat radiates from her cheeks to deep inside her soul. She knew if she didn't stand up and walk away soon she wouldn't be able to control her hands and where they may fall on his body.

"Shall we go then?" Hero asks probably wondering what is taking her so long to leave and why she was acting like a complete moron.

Ella finally stands on her shaky legs and heads for the door. She scrambles through her purse to find her keys as they walk to her car. "Where are you staying? I can drive you." She turns around to wait for his answer, but is completely stopped in her tracks as Hero is standing, not even, two inches away from her. She could feel her breathing shallow as she can't seem to catch her breath from the strong gaze she feels from those deep greens eyes she starred at the last two hours.

"The Holiday Inn across the street. I don't mind walking. It's not far at all." He whispers. He teaches his hand up and gently swipes a strand of hair from Ellas eyes and places it behind her ear. She knew she her hair always looked crazy when she left work, but now she wished she at least combined it before this gorgeous man standing in front of her touched it. She felt the burning sensation on her skin as he made the settle movements. Before she knew it she felt her panties wet as she knew her clit was screaming for him to kiss her down there. She could only imagine what that tongue felt like inside her mouth and around the skin on her body.

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