The word abortion has been completely banalized. In our postmodern ears it hardly connotes a strange "rights" issue, some religious discussion, or the perfect opportunity to look elsewhere.
Hearing "abortion" does not scare us. We are sure that it will never mean danger for us – those of us who have already been born – because we know that it is a matter "before birth", of an unknown human stage where they always repeat to us that there is only "a clump of cells", or "a product." For this reason, "interrupting the pregnancy" has almost no moral connotations and, less and less, legal connotations.
In the best of cases, abortion refers to the "unborn" (not born), a term that, due to its negative contraction, implies something that "is not", that is, it has no value, which is almost nothing because it is not being born yet. We celebrate life "from birth," and we count "birthdays" from there.
But we know that this is not the truth, even if we try to deny it.
Human beings exist as such from the moment of conception. When we are "born" we are already nine months old. Because being born does not mean "starting to live," being born only means "coming out" of the womb. Our human essence is not formed in a "gestation process", what is gestated in the womb (and outside of it), it is only the different structures that help us to relate to the world. But our human quality exists from the first moment. What is in the womb of a pregnant mother is always a human being.
Perhaps we have become used, as a society, not to defend the lives of children in the womb by the false language we use, a language anchored in medieval scientific darkness that ignored and underestimated the human reality in the womb. Does medical embryology or a simple ultrasound of the baby tell us nothing today?
He who today denies the humanity of the conceived, or does so out of ignorance, because he's a moron or out of some ideological interest. True science admits of no doubt.
Stop then, calling it a "product", because it is not something for sale; enough to call her a "clump of cells", because that offends her innate dignity (and yours too); and enough to call him "unborn", because we are talking about someone positive, not something negative.
It is time to call him PREBORN, because the only difference between him and you, is that he (or she) still "hasn't come out" of the womb, and you already have.
Digital version:
The Preborn
Non-FictionArtículo escrito para La Prensa Hispana Bilingual Newspaper (Indio, California, EE.UU.) Edición del 18 al 24 de setiembre, 2020