Hope's peak academy...

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"Hey... Y/N..!" a perky and high pitched voice called out from behind me.. Before I was able to turn around, I felt a pair of warm arms wrapping around my neck and holding me tight, the voice was familiar and then I realized it was my childhood friend,
Ibuki Mioda."hahaha~! got youuu~" she teased. "I-Ibuki-! don't scare me like that.." I whined.. the both of us began jumping and messing around, I flicked her forehead and she squished my cheeks.. "Aww~ Y/N i don't understand why you don't have a boyfriend~ you're sOoooOo~ cute!!" she jokingly frowned and continued to tease you. "Ibuki~ we're going to be late.. it's our first day at Hope's Peak Academy..and we need to make a good impression!" my face quickly turned serious and glanced at Ibuki's magenta eyes.. they were brimming with excitement and she was practically shaking. Her lips turned to a smirk as our eyes met. "You're right. in just a few minutes we're going to be students at THE Hope's Peak ACADEMMYYYY
IBUKI IS SO HYPED UP.. OOOH IF THIS WAS A SONG I'D BE CALLED SOMETHING LIKE...I'M SO EXCITED MY LEGS WON'T STOP SHAKING!!!!!" she practically screamed at the top of her lungs which caused us to gain some judging glances from some surrounding people.
"SHHHHH~ I-Ibukiii.." but my serious tone quickly faded i tried to act like i was the one who kept her in control but, i couldn't stop myself from bursting out laughing..! We ended up laughing so much that a teacher told us to head into the building and "stop goofing off" we both said "bruh" at the same time and held in our laughs.. the occasional giggle would come out of one of us. Me and Ibuki have been friends since we were kids... we apparently immediately hit it off at my 4th birthday party as our parents "grew up together" she's the Ultimate Musician, and I Y/N L/N am the Ultimate Prankster it's an interesting talent.. i never thought i would get into Hope's Peak with a talent like this.. i mean i can make ANYONE fall for my tricks..honestly..
Ibuki used to talk about the school in every sentence when we were kids.. she talked about it so much that i soon became interested in the school as well..
Anyways.. we walked through the halls getting some glances from other Ultimates.. they certainly looked like an odd bunch.. they all were completely different from each other but, yet they're still smiling and laughing. Seeing other people happy made me crack a smile, i looked over at Ibuki.. she was grinning and humming to herself. I looked down at my yellow schedule, okay so my homeroom is Yukizome... "Hey Ibuki who's your homeroom teacher?" she pulled out her schedule from her skirt pockets and unfolded it. "Yu-ki-zo-me!" she sounded out, with a hint of confusion
"IBUKI? YOU'RE JOKING!?" my eyes got wide and she seemed to sense my excitement.
"ARE WE-?"
"Ladies i know this is exciting but, please get to class, the bells about to ring." a male teacher called out from the other side of the hall.
We were so captivated in our own world we didn't realize everyone had already left for class.
"SHIT!" we both whispered under our breath.
I quickly grasped Ibuki's hand and we dashed past class 73-B
We were almost there.. class 76-B...
The bell rung out.. but.. our hands were on the door handle.. we were so close? How..? Are they going to hate us? Are we going to get in trouble on our first day..? Without even thinking i accident yelled,
Ibuki's eyes grew WIDE and she covered her mouth trying SOOO hard not to laugh.. I heard many other voices..but it took me a moment to process what's even happening, The door..? wait is the door open? wait.. what.. wait, wait, wait, wait, wait "WAIT." i called out.. Wait what the hell am i doing..? my head is throbbing why am i yelling random things..? oh my god.. it must be that donut i ate off of the floor.. dammit.. it just looked so tasty.. whyyy~ dammit dammit.. "Um.. are you guys I-Ibuki..? Mee... i'm sorry if i pronounce your names wrong.. Ibuki? Mioda? and Y/N L/N?
I snapped out of whatever the hell that was and looked up to see a really pretty woman.. her skin looked so smooth.. her hair was a light tangerine orange which matched her bright green eyes. I was about to reply.. i mean.. we.. no I, cussed, yelled, ran in the halls, didn't introduce myself.. wait no we just now met her..i basically broke a ton of rules..

To the left of me Ibuki swiftly bowed so far down, I couldn't even see her face anymore.
"WE ARE SO VERY SORRY MS. YAKIZOME, IT'S ALL MY FAULT WE WERE LATE, I HELD HER BACK, PLEASE FORGIVE US." I didn't want Ibuki to be the only one bowing so i bent over and apologized as well.
"yes.. we're sorry for interrupting class.."
"Girls.. it's alright..it's really okay! i'm Ms. Yakizome but you already know that.!" She let out a small chuckle and turned back to us.
"But i think you should introduce yourselves to the class!"
Me and Ibuki finally walked into the warm classroom and closed the door behind us. "My name is.. I-Buki Mio-da! put it together and whadaya get? Ibuki Mioda! and i'm the Ultimate Musician! :)
The whole class greeted her politely and they thought her talent was cool especially considering her appearance.. now it was my turn. "My name is Y/N L/N and i'm the... Ultimate Prankster~ i threw up a piece sign, the class greeted me and a few of the girls waved and smiled.
The other ultimates in this class room looked.. interesting i guess... there was a really pretty girl with blonde, slightly tinted pink long hair she looked like a princess almost..
There was an intimidating looking male in the back of the classroom his head had shaved little..? what are those snakes?! lmao idk but my eyes shifted over to a strange looking male on the left side of the room.. he had pale white skin.. and a thick, dark purple scarf wrapped around his neck, his.. hair... was floating.. wait how can hair float..? wait.. this makes 0 sense.. WAIT WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?
Once again acting without thinking i pointed at the pale boy and yelled..
He looked like the quiet kid who would cast some weird spell on you, what's with that lightning mark? LMAO IS THAT REAL?
As soon as he heard the word "hamster" it's like he was fucking possessed or something?!?
"THE FOUR DARK DEVAS OF DESTRUCTION ARE NOT "HAMSTERS" YOU MORTAL!!" he slammed his hands on the table and glared up at me..
i couldn't help myself, he looked so dumb 😭
I BURSTED OUT LAUGHING ..but quickly covered my mouth.. i think i angered him.. oh no.. is he the Ultimate killer? wait..
His eyes widened even more and he slammed his left hand which was covered in a large wrap.. on the desk and stood up, he used his right hand to point directly at me he then yelled.. "ARE YOU MOCKING ME?"his voice had a deep growl to it.. he must actually be angry.. all i said was hamsters.. i didn't mean to actually make him mad.. oh shit he's going to kill me... my first instinct was to run outside but Ibuki reminded me where i was, she propped her right elbow up on my shoulder. "Just ignore him Y/N he's kinda weirrddd" i think she meant to whisper but he heard her and sat back down, quickly apologizing to Ms. Yakizome.. but not to me >:(
i walked up to his desk and slammed my hand down on his desk, he glared up at me.
"I SHALL NOT APOLOGIZE, THE FOUR DARK DEVAS OF DESTRUCTION ARE NOT MERE "HAMSTERS" YOU FOOL. I was getting mad now.. this weirdo is getting on my nerves i wanted to throw his dArk DeevEes at the wall.
But they didn't do anything wrong so i wouldn't do that, i'm not cruel...💀
"SHUT THE FUCK UP OR I'LL KILL BOTH OF YOU, FUCKING LOSERS." Me and lightning face whipped our heads to the back of the room where a middle schooler punk was sitting... wait no.. he's in this class.. how come he's so short, why are his feet on the desk? Is he a gangster..?

Hey guys.. i know author's notes are so stupid but i'm sorry this chapter was super long.. i don't think anyone will want to read this, if people actually care i'll continue this series! 🥰

𝙒𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙚𝙭𝙖𝙘𝙩𝙡𝙮 𝙞𝙨 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚?   (gundham x reader)Where stories live. Discover now