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I woke up to my dad waking me up

G-wake up you got school

Bree-ok i am up

You get up take a shower blow dry your hair get changed and straighten my hair

You get up take a shower blow dry your hair get changed and straighten my hair

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                 That's what you put on

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That's what you put on

You go down stairs

G- you ready

Bree- ya

After 5 mins you arrive

G-have a good day

Bree- ok love you

You get out and a bunch of kids are looking at you

You just roll your eyes and walk into the school and go up to the office and get your locker combo and your classes

Bree- hey I am bree jonson and new

Lady- I hey ya here you go and go sit right there

Bree- ok

L- Abby come to the office abby come down to the office

Abby got here

Abby- are you bree

Bree- ya

Abby- I well be showing you around

Bree- ok thanks

Abby- ya no problem here let me see your classes

Bree- ok

Abby- we have all the same classes

Bree- thank god

Skip to 4th period

You walk in with Abby

T- i am and

Bree- hey mrs Applebee


Bree- Mrs.applebee it's says it on the paper


Bree- hey bitches

T- be quiet

You sit down

Bree- why is she so bitchy

The class laughs

T- bree shut up

Bree- ok mis.applebee or is it mis.bitchy

T- out now

Bree- o did I hurt ur feelings

The class laughs

Bree- bye hoes and bye Mrs.bitchy

You wait outside the class for abby
After class

Abby- that was funny

Bree- lol lunch time

abby- wanna meet my friends

Bree- ya

Abby- ok

You go get a milkshake and go to the table

abby- this is bree, bree this is payten Nick rylend and larry

Bree- well hey bitches

P,n,r,l- hey

You sit down

L- here comes the plastics

Bree- o god

They tap you

Bree- how can I help you

Mads- um I wanna meet Griffin he is your dad

Bree- um no bye hoe

Mads- WHAT

Bree- you heard me bye

Mads slap you

You stand up

Bree- you don't want to mess with me

Mads- what are you going to do

Payten- come on bree

Bree- no she wants to fight

Larry- yes gurl

You push her onto the ground then punch her a few times then get your milkshake and pure it all over her

Bree- opps

Every one laughs

Office lady- bree office now

Bree- bye bitches

Office lady called Griffin

Griffin walked in and looked mad

Skip to the car

You get into the car


bree- cuz she being a bitch

After that if was siltint you get home and go inside

Bryce- did you win ofc

G-sit NOW

You sit down

G- explain

Bree- ok so I was just talking to my friends then her and her puppets came and she said your going to let me meet the sway boys since Griffin is your dad and I said no then she slapped me then I puched her a few times then I grabbed my milk shake and poured it on her



Jaden- bad

Kio,ant- ass

I laugh


you go to ur room and get a text

Bad ass

Wow girl

That was so cool

Your a bad ass

Your wow

Right you got nevevs

Thanks guys I am going to head to bed see you tomorrow

Ev- gn

You then shower do skin care and get changed into pajamas then go on ur phone Intel around 9 then go to bed

615 words

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