you are a 14 your old that as lived in the Orphanage for 4 years your mom and dad died in a car actiend you have depression and anxiety
🚧self harm🚧
It's been a couple of weeks since we got bree and I have not seen her eat at all I wonder if she has ate I am going to talk to the boys
G- hey boys
Tb- ya
G- have you seen bree eat at all
Tb- no
Kio- has she been eating out
G- I don't know
Ant- let's just look out ok
G- ya ok
Back to you
You got up showed did your skin care and put on lip gloss and massacre on then you changed into this
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You put foundation on your cuts and scars
You walked out of your room to the boys
Bryce- bree we are going to the hype house in 5
Bree- ok
You sat down and waited
Josh- ok ready
Ev- ya
You got your skate bored and got in the car
Skip car ride
You got there and knocked and Tony answered he let you in and you sat at the couch and went on ur phone
Bree- I am going out
G- ok be good
Bree- yep
You left and went to sway you got there and grabbed your sketch book and then left to Emily's you got there and knocked and Mrs and mis Vegas answered they let you in then Emily saw you
Em- bree
Bree- hey em how have you been
Em- good u miss you
Bree- me to
Em- did you bring your sketch book
Bree- ya let's go sit down and draw
3 hours later
You finished and hanged out with an for a couple more hours
Then after that you met up with jason and Lauren and skated
Bree- next time we hang out we should get vodcke
Line and jass- yess
Bree- ok how about next wensday
Lauren- ya
Jason- srue
Bree- ok then
After 3 hours it was 10 and u went to head back to sway you got back
Griffin- where have you been
Bree- with friends
Griffin- I am going to tell you the rules sit down
Bree- what ever
You sat down
Griffin- be back by 8: 30 No boys no drugs or acholic no audittude
Bree: srue what ever
You get up and go to ur room do your skin care and change into this
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Then you cut your arms and thighs because you fell like a burden then you finished watching them then you went to bed