Chapter 6: Don't Make Me Laugh~!

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"The answer is no mewtwo!" ash said

" aha this joke's not funny anymore...."mewtwo said making ash's bubble come to him

" It's not a joke!" ash yelled

"oh it won't be for your freinds." mewtwo said

" what?" ash said fear in his eyes

"Don't make me laugh!
Don't make me laugh!
My funny friend,
Don't make me bend in half!

Don't be a card, babe,
Don't mess with Me!

( mewtwo then flung brock and misty back into a wall...)

Don't make me laugh so hard that you begin to ache!
Don't make me laugh,

Don't pull my leg,
May I suggest you would do best to beg!

If you say, "No", Mr,

( mewtwo growled at that)
If you refuse,
This is your notice that I refuse to lose

( mewtwo said starring into ash)

Say, "Yes", my love, and go with a winner
Believe me: that would be much wiser

Say, "No", poor dove and they're a charzard's dinner

( mewtwo then pointed to charzard 2, who looked famished)
And their pokemon's the appetizer

Get the picture?

( mewtwo looked at ash, who gulped with fear)
Don't make me laugh,
Or slap my knee

I'm no hyena,
So ashy,
What'll it be?

( mewtwo turned to ash as he said this)

Right this way to the Mewtwo Estate, 

( mewtwo said pointing)

or write thier epitaph?
You choose thier fate,
Don't make me wait,
And baby... don't make me laugh!

Ha-ha-ha-ha!" Mewtwo sang

" what'll it be?" mewtwo asked "me,or them? your choice. Come with me willingly or, come with me by force"

ash gulped in fearas he looked to his friends

" let them go.......i'" ash said as his head hang

mewtwo smirked and opened a door with,cloned pokemon behnd it

" attack them." mewtwo said " i have what i want"

" WHAT?! MEWTWO NO!!!!!!!!" ash screaed as the humans were killed vicously by the pokemon

mewtwo then truned to ash...... his eyes glowed

" why care...when you don't know who they are......"

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