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Audrey and Draco continued kissing all the way back to Draco's room.

"That was hot darling. But don't forget who's in charge here"

Draco removed her top, and she pulled off his top. He unhooked her bra and began to squeeze her breasts, causing her to moan softly. He pulled down her skirt and she began removing his pants. Draco tossed her onto the bed.

"Does this feel wrong to you love?"

"N-no Draco"

He then removed her underwear and his boxers. He continued kissing up and down her neck and body.

"Please Draco don't stop"

He thrust himself inside her and began moving slowly. He quickened his pace, causing Audrey to continue moaning quite loud. She knew she was close.

"Draco I'm going to-"

"Same here darling"

Just as she was about to finish, he moved out of her
"Wh-why'd you stop?"

"I thought you said we were wrong for each other love"

"Stop teasing Draco I need you please"

"As you wish love"

He immediately thrust hard inside her, causing them both to finish at the same time. He lay down next to her. They both fell asleep.


Audrey slowly remembered the events from the night before.

"Do you regret anything?"

"No. But now I definitely can't stay away from you"

She giggled and Draco pulled her on top of him for a kiss.

"Well we just can't tell anyone then can we love"

She whispered

"I guess it'll be our little secret"

The two of them got ready and headed their separate ways for the day.

"Merlin Audrey where have you been! I've been looking for you all night!"

"I uh fell asleep in the library. Couldn't leave since they closed it"

"Well at least you're ok"

They both walked to their first class, which they had with Slytherin.

"Oh great I'm stuck next to Goyle for this class."

Audrey laughed at Hermoine.

"I'm sat next to Draco."

"Have fun!"

Hermoine winked and then laughed and Audrey just rolled her eyes at her and sat down.

"Hello love"


"I wish I could kiss you. Not in front of all these people though."

"Guess you'll just have to wait then Draco"

He chuckled at her response and the class began. Halfway through the class, Draco got bored though. He whispered to Audrey

"You know I had a lot of fun last night"

She smirked and replied

"I did too"

"You're mine now love"

Audrey began blushing. Draco's hand was on her thigh

"Y-yes Draco I'm yours"

"Will you be my girlfriend then darling"

"Of course I will"

The class ended and Audrey grabbed her things and left with Hermoine.

"You and Draco looked very cozy in your seats"

Hermoine laughed

"Oh shut up Hermoine"

The girls continued to attend classes for the day. When the evening came, they heard news that someone was throwing a party in the Gryffindor common room. They both got ready, and then went down. Audrey got herself a drink, and Hermoine left to go see Ron. Luna came up to her.

"Hey girl it's been so long!"

Luna chuckled

"Yeah it has!"

They continued to chat for a while and then Luna had to use the bathroom. Audrey continued sipping her drink and looking around the room. She could see that there were members of all the houses here. She thought maybe Draco would be here as well. She walked around a bit, and then bumped into someone


"Harry! Oh my god I havent seen you in so long! Where have you been?"

"Don't pull that I know what you did"

Oh no looks like Harry may know something. What do you think will happen next? Also hope you guys are enjoying!

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