epilogue: part 1 (edited)

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"Remember to put on your aprons!" Astrid called, placing a box of art supplies onto the table.

In the art room, children half her size dashed around her, some tying aprons, others talking animatedly, jumping up and down excitedly in anticipation for this week's newest art project. Eventually, they all crowded around the table at the front of the classroom, where Astrid had opened a box of polystyrene balls. 

"Okay everybody." she said, taking a ball out and placing it in the centre of the table. "We're going to be making Christmas decorations today!"

A few kids cheered.

"So, on the other table over there, I have put out glue, glitter - be careful with that, I don't want it all over the floor - there's sequins, on the other table is paint -"

She babbled on - the usual safety stuff. After half a year of starting anew at St Stephen's Primary, her words were the same every lesson.

"Mrs Halloway," a boy interrupted suddenly. "There's someone at the door."

She looked up - it was probably Mrs Lincoln from next door, in need of paint like she usually did. The other classroom was almost bare. Her expression quickly changed upon seeing Dylan's grinning, happy face in the window, waving madly. A smile she couldn't stop crept onto her lips.

"'Scuse me for a second." she said hastily, rushing to the door.

He opened the door a little and through the opening he handed her a container. He kissed her cheek.

"You forgot your lunch, Mrs Halloway." he whispered into her ear.

"Thanks." she said, glancing down at her pasta. She returned a kiss on his cheek. "I'll see you later."

He nodded, but returned immediately after turning away. "Um, also, Minho wanted to know if he left -"

"Who is he, Mrs Halloway?" a voice called out behind her.

Astrid turned, having completely forgotten that she was at work - at school. She glanced quickly between Dylan and her students.

"Um, this is Dylan. Uh, he's, well, it's hard to explain because - "

"I'm her best friend." Dylan interjected, stepping into the classroom. "Mrs Halloway forgot her lunch this morning so I had to give it to her."

"Are you two boyfriend and girlfriend?" inquired a girl.

"Um-" Astrid began, but again, Dylan interjected.

"No, but we used to be."

"What does that mean?" another kid asked.

Flustered, she gave him a hard shove out the door. He stumbled backwards, regaining his footing, before looking at her like she was crazy.

"What was that for?"

Smiling, she crossed her arms and leaned against the open door. "You're disrupting my class, mister. I'll see you later."

Slumping in defeat, he waved, mouthing I love you. She mouthed the words back and watched as he left the school grounds. When she closed the door and turned her attention back to her class, they were all whispering, snickering or staring at her wide eyed - expectant.

"What?" Astrid asked.

Two girls started to sing, and the whole class followed shortly after, until it became a cacophony.


K - I - S - S - I - N - G"

Heat rose to her cheeks as she returned to her previous place at the table. 

"We're not dating," she said, rolling the polystyrene ball around, watching the light reflect off the ring on her fourth finger. "We're engaged."

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