Chapter Ten

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𝑴𝒐𝒗𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒅𝒂𝒚...
(Third person)

Today was the day nobody wanted to come. The day Supergirl stops saving the world, the day Kara Danvers stops being a reporter at Cat-co, the day she leaves National city and everyone in it behind her. She had everything packed and in a moving van. She had many things in her car for her and Katie but their was still plenty of room in both the van and her car. "Are you ready to go say goodbye to everyone?" Kara asked.

"Yeah, I'm ready mama," her daughter said happily. She reached for her mother to pick her up and Kara did willingly. She walked down to the elevator with her final bag and daughter in her hands. When she got downstairs she was greeted by everyone she loved. Everyone except Lena. When she failed to see Lena her heart shattered. Lena has been avoiding Kara ever since their talk in the car last week. Kara fought back tears and walked towards everyone.

"We are going to miss you Kara," Winn said. His eyes were puffy and red. "I hope you will come back and visit us soon." He added. Kara hugged him tightly.

"Of course I am coming back to visit, why wouldn't I?" She asked. She pulled away and made her rounds to everyone else. By the time she got to Alex she was an emotional wreck. Mostly because she wouldn't get to see Lena, but also because her sister was mad at her. Mad because she wanted to leave. Mad because she was taking her niece away just as she had gotten her.

"I know I'm not the happiest that you are going, but I know you both will do extraordinary things," Alex said wiping away a tear. "And I am going to fly down and see you in two weeks, and I'm going to spoil you rotten!" Alex said as she pinched Katie's cheeks. Kara and Alex hugged for a few moments and then pulled apart.

"W-wheres Lena?" Kara asked. Alex's expression changed.

"She uh, she's not coming Kara," Alex said.

"O-oh," Kara said. A single tear slipped down her cheek. "It's fine, I already said goodby to her anyways." Kara said. She turned and began to put Katie in her car seat.

"Kara," Alex said.

"No, it's fine Alex, I really have to get going." She said. She got into the car and drove off, following the moving truck. Tears began to pour from her eyes. "How could she not say goodbye?" Kara asked out loud as if she would get a response. She didn't. All she got was 𝒔𝒊𝒍𝒆𝒏𝒄𝒆.

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