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Baek Kyung's words are met with an unflinching silence as they file out in the hospital corridor. Before he can say anything else or provide another pathetic explanation on his part, he is soon made to regret the decision of opening his mouth.

No one sees it coming, not even himself when his fist collides with his jaw. A sharp sound echoed through the air around them, followed by a series of quiet gasps and his unspoken shock.

He is stunned at his actions, and a part of him is horrified at what he is being made to do. He isn't this person, he tells himself, staring at the pain in Baek Kyung's gaze and desperately wishing it didn't resemble Dan-oh from when he had snapped at her earlier and made her cry.

I'm not this person, he reminds himself as he grabs the boy by his shirt and rams his fist into his face again, making him bleed. He doesn't stop- pushing him against the wall and slamming his fists over and over again until his knuckles turn bloody with the assault. Baek Kyung offers no resistance from his side whatsoever and silently takes the burnt of his anger.

This is just my character. This is just something the Writer drew, he tells himself. This isn't me.

This can't be me.

But somewhere deep down, a part of him is exuding in relief: a part which has been dormant for so long that its very existence lost significance in his mind. He registers the unanimous pleasure that settles in the crevices of his skin when he knows he had succeeded in hurting him; in causing him physical pain.

He pushes Kyung away, watching him sink to the floor as he revels in the aftermath of the abuse, staring at his busted lip and the blood that trickles down his chin.

"You did this!" He spits out, vehemence and fury battling like demons inside him, ready to tear his mind apart. There is too much anger, too much angst, and he cannot believe this is what it has come down to.

The emotions rising inside him are too real. They threaten to overflow and it takes every ounce of willpower to reign them in his veins. I'm not this person, he repeats the sentence inside his mind like a mantra. I'm not this person. I'm not this character. I'm better than him. This is just my character who hurt him; who hurt Dan-oh. This is just something I'm being forced to do.

But you're not trying to stop it either, a voice prods his mind.


You're not even trying, the voice edges, picking on the shreds of his sanity. If you hated it so much, you would've tried to stop it But you didn't.

Stop. Please.

What does that make you?

Stop, he begs. Please, stop. Please.

"You know just as well as I do that you're the reason she almost split her head open." The words he speaks send a shudder down his spine. He is being held hostage by his words, but he would be lying if he said they didn't amplify the hatred he had harbored towards him since the very beginning. "She almost died! Do you get it now? She could've died, and it would be all because of you. So spare me the 'none of your business' attitude because even if Dan-oh isn't blaming you right now, I am."

He draws in a sharp breath when the scene ends. The fire in his eyes dies as soon as the waves of hopelessness wash in- closing in on him way too quickly for him to stop. Or breathe. He steps away from Baek Kyung, needing to distance himself from him before he says or does something he can't take back.

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