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In the early hours of the morning, I snuck out of Fred's dorm and back down to the dungeons before I could get caught. Luckily, I made my way back to my own dorm with no problem and spent a few more hours sleeping before getting up for breakfast. I spent a couple days doing this, sleeping with Fred and sneaking out, and then doing it all over again.
"Good morning!" The twins greeted me in the hallway as I walked to breakfast.
"We reckon-"
"You sit with us-"
"In the dining hall."
They finished each others words.
"You want me to sit with you?" I turned to Fred.
"Of course, darling." He tucked a piece of my hair behind my ear before we all walked through the big doors.

My heart twinged immediately when I saw Pansy all over Draco again, but I forgot all about it when Fred grabbed my hand and led me to his table and introduced me to his friends. We ate breakfast together, and I got to see Fred in his natural environment. He was hilarious, and I found myself gazing at him talking to the others, memorizing the freckles that lay on his cheeks.
"I think Freddie's in love." George, who sat to my right, whispered in my ear.
"I think you need to shut it." Fred leaned over me and gave George an evil eye.
"Calm down boys." I laughed, taking another bite of my food.
"You look beautiful today." Fred kissed me on the cheek, turning me red.
"Thank you, handsome." I kissed him back.

Classes droned on until Potions of course, where Draco only gave me side glances. I was just excited for Charms, where I would see people who would actually talk to me. When Snape dismissed us, I practically skipped to Charms.
"Hello gorgeous." Fred had kept a seat next to him open for me, which I took happily.

He had told me to meet him in a hallway later that night and that he had a surprise for me, which I was excited for. I could barely contain my excitement as I snuck out to see him, and I had dressed up in all black with my hair falling in loose curls behind my back.
"What are we doing here, Fred?" I asked as we stood facing a blank way. He closed his eyes, and suddenly there was a large door where the wall was once blank. I followed him in, and there were things absolutely everywhere. Some things looked to be stacked a mile high.
"This is the room of requirement. Only shows up to those who need something from it." He explained, leading us over to a corner of the room where there was a large canopy bed, with roses on top of it.
"Fred.." I said quietly, as he handed me the roses.
"I wanted to get away alone for a night with you." He pulled me into his lap, placing the roses I was holding onto a table near us.
"A night alone, huh?" I giggle, wrapping my arms around him.
"Just somewhere that we won't be found." He smirked, falling back into the pillows and taking me  with him as he leaned against the headboard of this large bed.
"Or heard." I licked his neck, and he let out a low groan. I sat up from him, and grabbed both sides of my shirt with my hands and pulled it over my head. I leaned back down and started unbuttoning his shirt, which he happily took over quickly than I could do it. I unzipped the side of my skirt and tugged that over my body as well, leaving me in only my underwear and bra. Fred's hand were on my waist, pulling me into his chest when he finished unbuttoning his shirt. We kissed heavily, leaning into eachother more with every touch. When his lips made contact with my neck, leaving tiny bites around my skin, I let out a moan and tossed my head back.
"God, I just want more of this." He kissed his words into me,
"I want more of you." He slid his hands around the clasp of my bra and undid it, letting it fall as he tossed it to the floor. I reached down between my legs and unbuckled his pants, climbing off long enough for him to get them off before we continued.

Around one in the morning, Fred and I laid together with the sheets sticking to our sweaty bodies, our skin touching one another's.
"I think you're the most beautiful girl I've ever met." Fred kissed my forehead, pulling me closer to him.
"Fred. You're too sweet." I blushed, burying my face in his chest.
"You make me sweet." He sighed, yawning and stretching his arms.
"Go to sleep, baby."
"Baby? Got some pet names for me already have we?" He looked down at me.
"I'll call you whatever I like." I smirk.
"You know I'd let you call me anything." He replied.
"Mhm." I mumbled into his chest, finally letting myself feel the restlessness.
"Can we do this again some time?" I ask quietly, lacing my fingers with his.
"I'd sneak out here to be with you any day, Octavia, any day. You just say the word." He assured me. I nodded, and started to fall asleep with him running his fingers through my hair.

The next morning I woke up to Fred staring at me, our bodies still tangled together, with the sun shining through the window on to us.
"Good morning beautiful." He kissed my nose softly.
"Good morning handsome." I gave him a real kiss, which, as always, led to me on top of him.
"What time is it?" I pulled away and asked.
"Too early." He groaned, rolling over on his stomach beneath me.
"Give me a back rub." He whined.
"Give yourself a back rub." I laughed.
"You're the one who dug your nails all through it." He laughed back, and I rolled my eyes and started to rub his back.

We sat with eachother at breakfast and lunch, and even dinner, and Fred snuck sly touches in hallways and pulled me into closets to touch me. I craved more and more each time, and I knew I was falling in love with him.

And I didn't want to fuck this up.

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