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When the goblet of fire was finally released, both of the twins begged me to help them create an aging potion.
"Come on-"
"You've got to-"
"It's only right." And of course, I gave in, because when you have twins quite literally begging at your feet, there's no way you can say no. George left us at the Black Lake alone after, and Fred was sneaking hot and heavy kisses as we sat together by the water.
"Come here." He pleaded, pulling me onto his lap so I was straddling him.
"Now this-" he stopped talking to slide his hands up under my butt, "-is how I want to be with you all the time." He placed a kiss on my cheek.
"You know I would stay here with you forever if I could." I melted into him, wrapping my arms around his neck.

The air turned without seconds, and it was like you could feel the frost on your lips.
"Fred.." I whispered, starting to get off him.
"Starting to get spooked?" He asked, when we suddenly heard the crunch of branches in the woods in front of us. He took my hand quickly and we ran back to the castle as fast as we could.
"Fred, something was out there." I insisted. This had scared me, truly, because deep down I knew something bad was coming.
"It was probably just an animal." He assured me, dropping me off at the dungeons.
"Sleep well, darling." He leaned down and kissed my forehead, before slipping off into the darkness himself.

When I entered the common room, Draco was sitting alone by the fire.
"Where were you all night?" He questioned.
"None of your business." I spat back, as he had been nothing but a dick for weeks.
"Must have been with that weasel then." He snorted. I didn't even get a chance to stand up for Fred without Draco insulting more of my decisions.
"Next you'll be hanging out with Pottah and his mudblood friends." He looked at me with nothing but disgusting. There was nothing behind his eyes. Blank and empty as always. I didn't even reply, as I walked into my own room and sunk into bed.

As I walked the corridors the next morning, Fred and George both locked onto one of my arms and walked with me.
"The Burrow is going to be empty tonight-"
"Dads taking mom on a muggle vacation-"
"We're throwing a party." They finished together.
"Is this your way of asking me to come?"
"It certainly is." They said at the same time.
"How are we getting there?" I asked.
"I'll come get you later tonight after we finished setting up. Be in the tower at 10, and don't be late, missy." Fred kissed my cheek and they both headed to invite others too.

I was not late to the tower at all this time, in fact I was six minutes early. No matter how early, Fred was in the tower already waiting.
"Ello, beautiful." He pulled me into a kiss, snaking his arms around my waist as I wrapped my own around his neck.
"Don't let go." He mumbled into my lips, and when we pulled away for air, we were no longer in the tower.  My feet stumbled, but he caught me and pulled me closer.
"Maybe tell me the next time we are going to aparate." I slapped his arm, looking around at the room.
"This is where I sleep, which means this is where you will be sleeping tonight as well." He sat on his own bed, pulling me on top of him.
"I never agreed to that." I teased, pushing him so we was laying down. I could hear music down the stairs faintly, and other voices.
"Are people here already?" I asked, stopping myself from going further with him.
"Yes, but I'd like to see where this goes." He teased me back, flipping us so I am pinned beneath him.
"Unless George walks in on us." I push him off me and stand.
"Let's go downstairs." He pulled my hands out of his room and down to where everyone else was.

Ginny, Hermione and I all danced together once I lost Fred in the crowd, twirling and dipping eachother with laughter. Soon, Ron and Harry were by our sides with a bottle of Firewhiskey they had taken.
"Let's go outside." Ron said, pulling us all out through the front door. The coldness of the wind hit my face, and then the rest of my body, and I realized I was sorely underdressed.
"Here." Ginny handed the bottle to me with her mouth twisted into a nasty scowl.
"It's not that bad." I brought the bottle to my lips and took a hefty swig, passing it around the circle again.

The bottle was empty by the time someone came outside and saw us. Ron chucked the bottle into the field and we all pretended we didn't see him.
"Hey there, I've been looking for you." Fred had joined my side, and was pulling me into the hallway.
"Hi Freddie." I giggled, pulling him down to me and kissing his neck.
"Where have you been?" He asked, twirling my hair in his hands.
"Outside, with some of your siblings and Harry and Hermione. It's cold." I rubbed my arms, trying to get some warmth back into me. Fred pulled me into his chest and took a deep breath.
"You smell like firewhiskey." He whispered, making me look up at him.
"I for one don't even know what that is." I denied, pulling away from him and getting lost in the crowd that was dancing again.

When the party started to settle down, my only mission was to find Fred and go upstairs with him.
"George." I poked the other twin in the face.
"Have you seen my other half?"
"I think you mean my other half." He laughed at me. He brought me to Fred, who was talking and laughing with Lee.
"Freddie! This one here claims to be your other half and she doesn't even share your looks. Rubbish." George made fun of me, pushing me towards him.
"Hi, baby." I smiled, wrapped my arms around his torso.
"Do we have any of the hangover stuff left from last time, Georgie?" Fred wrapped one arm around me, letting me sink into him.
"I reckon we do, and I reckon she is going to need it." He said before going back to the party.
"Do you want to head upstairs, love?" He questioned.
"I'm good here." I said into his chest.
"Can you not walk?" He teased. I shook my head, doubling over in laughter. In a swift tug, Fred threw me over his shoulder.
"How can you even carry me I'm so heavy!"
"Sweetheart, this is nothing." He shrugged, slapping my ass over shoulder. I did the same to him as my arms hung over his back. When we got to his room, he sat me down and changed me into some of his pajamas with his magic before laying down next to me after he changed himself. I snuggled into his chest and listened to his heartbeat.
"What did you even drink?"
"Firewhiskey." I giggled.
"I presume I have you to thank for that bottle going missing." He laughed back at me.
"Actually, I didn't take it, but I cannot reveal who did." I poked his cheek.
"I'll figure it out eventually. You're going to feel like rubbish in the morning." He kissed my forehead.
"I don't mind feeling like anything as long as you're by my side." I mumbled.
"Go to sleep, Princess."
"Goodnight, Freddie."

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