Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

“ I’m okay,” We both sat there breathing heavily for a moment, “I had a really weird dream just now.”

 “Just now, as in when you were passed out? You only had your eyes closed for a minute; there is no way you fell asleep and had a whole dream,” he looked skeptical, like he didn’t believe me.

 “I really saw something. It doesn’t matter if you believe me or not,” I suddenly felt very defensive and I didn’t know why. It was like I didn’t want him to think I was crazy, which was weird because he was the one who kidnapped me and was holding me pinned down to the ground. I wasn’t supposed to care what the psycho thought about me; but subconsciously I knew that I did.

 “No, I believe you. I was trying think of what could have happened,” he explained, looking like he was not paying any attention to what he saying, “I got it! You can see into the future.”

 “I think that you need to see a doctor. You are very clearly insane.”

 “Please let me explain this to you,” Kyle looked very desperate now. I sighed, knowing it was crazy to sit and listen to this delusional person, but I knew I was not going to be able to leave until I did.

 Kyle took the fact that I was not kicking, punching, and complaining again as an okay. He put his arm under my neck and knees and lifted me up. After he placed me back on the futon/bed, he laid down next to me and started talking to the wall in front of us.

 “You probably won’t believe me, but I am a werewolf,” he stopped and let that sink in.

 “Like Twilight? Do you hang out with Jacob Black, too? How stupid do you think I am?” I was super defensive now. I am starting to like dimple boy less and less.

 “Look at your shoulder and maybe you’ll believe me.” I looked, and instead of the teeth marks that should have been there, there was an outline a sun. It looked like a scar that had been there for years, but it most certainly wasn’t there when we were walking from the party.

“You have that there because I bit you last night. I didn’t want to hurt you, but I had to to keep you safe. Last night we had to kill your ‘parents’, too. They were planning to do the same to you and we had to stop them. They aren’t your parents though. They adopted you when you were a baby and your real parents were threatened to give you away. So you’re a werewolf now, which is why you just had a vision of the future.”

 His words came out sounding jumbled and confusing. I didn’t know if I believed him or not and it took a while for my brain to process all of the information that was just thrown at me. I stared blankly for a few moments to organize my thoughts. Then, without warning, my eyes started to burn and tears were pouring down my face.

 I could feel Kyle put his arms around me and embrace me in a big bear hug. I put my head against his chest and cried even harder.

*  ~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~  *

A blurry image of Cammie, Kaitlyn, and my dream self appeared. They were all together again, but instead of the cozy living room atmosphere of the last time I saw them, they were inside of cage. It looked just like a dog cage, but it was bigger. They were all crouched down together, sweat and tears staining their faces. They tried to talk to each other, but a deep voice would yell when any of them opened their mouths. 

I couldn't see or clearly hear what the man was yelling, but it must have been bad from the girls' reactions. They were clearly in trouble and I wanted to help my dream friends and self, but they was nothing I could I do; no one could see or hear me. I tried screaming, louder and louder, but there was no reaction. 

"It's okay. It's okay. Nothing is going to hurt you. Everything is okay," Kyle's soothing voice replaced the scene in my head. 

I woke up the fetal position with Kyle holding me and stroking my head. "I think that I had another vision. Cam, Kate, and I were trapped and a man kept yelling at us and I couldn't do anything to help them. I really wanted to make everything okay and I couldn't." I started crying again. Why can't I control my emotions? I think that would've been a better power than being physic. 

"Nothing has even happened yet and now that we know it might, we can prevent it. You don't need to worry about saving anyone, everything is okay. You need something to make you happy.... Oh, I have something for you."

Kyle got up and went into a drawer on the side table. He brought a small jewelry case. 

"Don't worry, I'm not proposing to you," Kyle said with that cute smile he has. 

He handed me the black velvet case very carefully. I opened it and, in the white silk was a beautiful ring. It was shaped like a sun with yellow-gold jewel in the center and delicate silver rays coming off of it. 

"Your parents gave this to my mom when they gave you up for adoption. They wanted you to have it when you grew up. It matches the scar on your shoulder."

I started to cry again, but this time out of happiness. I vaguely remember seeing this ring. It reminded my a story I remember hearing when I was very young about a sun, moon, and star who, together, kept the world alive. 

"What's wrong now, sweetie?" Kyle sounded sympathetic, but I could tell he really wanted to go back to sleep. 

"Nothing's wrong. I just had a long day and need some sleep. Goodnight," I actually smiled when I said this. Kyle laid down and wrapped his arm around my waist. I had a warm feeling in my stomach after remembering a little bit about my parents. 

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