Chapter 1

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Walk on a Snowy Road: Mia's Story~ Chapter 1


"Okay, so Cammie," I asked one of my best friends. "Jacob Black or Edward Cullen?"

Cammie, Kaitlyn, and I were walking back towards Kaitlyn's house to sleep over after a night out. It was close to midnight, the moon shown bright and beautiful in the midwinter sky. We tried calling our parents, but it seems that they had fallen asleep.

So, that meant we were stuck walking. Honestly, it wasn't that bad.The snow was light and fluffy, and sparkled once it passed the lights illuminating from the street lamps. It hung beautifully on the bare tree branches on the edge of the forest we were passing. Our feet danced as we trotted through the thin layer of snow already on the ground.  We sure were having fun with our little game we were playing. It was our game and we always played it when we didn't have any other gossip to talk about. 

It was quite amusing. The rules were that we were stuck on a deserted island. There were two guys to choose from. You had to "do" one of them in order to survive. So, we were given the names of the two guys and we had to pick one to "do."

When I gave the two options, we giggled like little school girls. Cammie blushed. "Jacob Black," she said.

Kaitlyn nodded. "Yeah, I would choose any werewolf," she said. She turned around and looked at the woods. "What if we were being followed? And then three hot werewolves just pop out in front of us?" 

We all burst out laughing knowing it was a ridiculous idea. But still, we could only dream. 

Once I started thinking about it, I realized how easy it would be for someone or something to just jump out and hurt us without anyone in the quiet neighborhood knowing. That was when I started to freak myself out. 

"You know it's kind of creepy," I said. "Being out at night, while it's snowing, just walking in the middle of the street."

"How? When we are dressed like this?" Cammie asked.

It was true. Kaitlyn was wearing dark red U-neck shirt that complemented her amber-brown eyes. She had on dark-washed skinny jeans with black heeled boot that hugged her calves. She had a black pea-coat that hugged her body as she walked. She had brown hair that was naturally straight and went a little past her shoulders. All in all, she was dressed in a sexy, flirty manner. Her make-up was light and showed off her natural beauty. While Cammie was dressed in a light gray sweater dress with a black empire waste belt that complimented her waist and curves. She wore that with black jeggings and black sparkly boots that reached just above her ankle. Her strawberry blond waves flowed down her back in a breath taking way . I decided on a purple v-neck cami covered by a black cardigan. I had on my purple heels with the  little bow on them and tight faded grey jeans. My stubborn hair was still straight even after hours of trying to curl it so I decided on just putting the front part of my hair off to the side with a black rose clip.

All while we were having a great time joking around and laughing, we didn't hear the noises in the forest. Not until the came closer. We froze and turned. I tried telling myself that I was letting my imagination get carried away, there was probably just a little bunny trying to find its way home in the snow. 

"What was that?" I asked.

"You guys heard it, too?" Kaitlyn asked. "Thank god. That means I'm not crazy."

"Be serious, Kate," Cammie said. "It's coming from the woods."

The moment Cammie mentioned the forest, three large wolves came sauntering out, growling. Oh no! We were screwed.

Three of them and three of us. The one in the middle had multi-colored fur and sparkling silver eyes. The one on the right had chocolate brown fur and bright blue eyes. And the one on the left was red-brown with emerald green eyes.

They walked toward us and we were shaking in fear. "I thought you said hot guys, not big freakin' wolves!" I exclaimed. The hot guys coming out of the woods had freaked me out before and now there were wolves! I might have a heart attack before any of them can get me.

"Not really the time," Cammie whispered.

The wolves lunged. "Run!" Kaitlyn screamed. We all took off in different directions. Somehow, they chased us back into the woods and separated us. I couldn't see Kaitlyn or Cammie anywhere, so I just kept running

I couldn't hear anything except the pounding of my heart. I guess what they say about the fight or flight adrenaline rush is true because I have never run faster in my life. 

Running hard, I kept falling and tripping in the deep, wet snow. My breathing got heavier and I knew that this couldn't last long. Branches continued to scratch and hit me and I could feel blood dripping and bruises forming all over.

I knew that I shouldn't, but curiosity got the best of me and I quickly looked back. I saw piercing blue eyes following me. I turned my head back around just in time to hit the large branch that had fallen from a tree. I fell over it and landed in a bank of icy snow. My legs felt warm all of a sudden and my chest felt like it was on fire.

I tried to get back up, but before I could, the wolf jumped up next to me and opened its huge mouth full of sharp teeth. I squeezed my eyes shut and felt a searing pain in my shoulder. I may have imagined this in my agony, but I could have sworn that I heard a whimper come from the wolf. It sounded like it was sad after biting me?

I tried to scream, but nothing would come out. Soon the pain was just too much and my body gave up. Everything went black.  


Written by SnowFlake95

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