Dark Knight's Story: Recall

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A fellow dark knight decided to talk with a traveler in the traveling carriage to wait until arriving at the next destination. However, after the conversation, he recalled his former life as being trained to become a holy knight.


This chapter is only focusing on the first OC that I spoiled the previous chapter and you get a more or less glimpse of his past as a holy knight. However, you will see his first POV. I might have to warn you that my grammar is really bad.

If you spot any spelling or Grammer errors, I tried to improve it possibly.

This Mobile Video Game is owned by their own respective company except for my both OC.


Traveling with a group of people can be deceiving. You cannot know what kind of people they are because they somehow kept their true self by pretending to be what they were not supposed to be. For example, among the people, any of them could be an adventurer, knight, merchants, or but a worst-case scenario, a bandit who disguised as a people, waiting for the right opportunity to signal a group of bandit in many ways to rob or kill the people including me. Fortunately, a carriage was accompanied by three or four people including me who were sitting to wait for our destination.

Staring at my feet, I was both honestly boarded and impatient that the traveling in a carriage took longer than a half an hour to reach the town due to the disturbance news that causes every traveler to be afraid and cautious. It was said that some of them were killed while their belongings and goods were stolen by an anonymous group of bandits during the traveling for the past three months. Nobody knew how they were able to coordinate. I was pretty irritated to think that but I cannot blame the driver's fear of being robbed or killed. While my eyes staring at my feet, affecting my mind to be in a blank state, a voice called me.

"You bored?"

I looked up to see an elderly man who called me. At the same time, I examined that he was human in his sixties and he might be a merchant from other towns that the carriage was originally from. However, I could not bother with it since I'm bored so I decided to relax and started a conversation with him.


"Heh, I cannot blame you to be bored since the ongoing incident making every carriage that the people are cautious during traveling."

"I'm aware of the incident but I hope the group of bandits will be caught soon or later."

"I'm not sure about it because they're able to pull off to rob and kill everyone without being careless."

"Maybe they have a smart leader to follow?"


It was a great start to start a conversation with the elderly merchant for me to be awakened but at the same time, I forgot that a Draph mother and her daughter were sitting beside me. Her scared daughter shivered in fear by our conversation about the situation involving bandit and killing. The mother glared at us angrily for a cause that we made and we became guilty by it. We quickly decided to change the topic that involved no killing and other dangerous things.

"What are you here for from traveling, mister?" I asked with a smile

"I'm going to visit my sister in my family's hometown to talk about my fourteen years old grandnephew wanting to be a knight," The elderly merchant replied with a heavy sigh.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2020 ⏰

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