Chapter 8

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"Halt," said a gruff voice when the two officers moved onto Dara.

The physically impressive Jiyong moved over steadily, his expression serious. Spotting him, the police froze.

The leading officer enquired politely, "Mr. Kwon, how can we help you?"

Jiyong gave Dara a quick once-over. He saw only ease in her eyes. He said, "I heard Dara Park said it was the two who framed her. Shouldn't we give her a chance to explain herself?"

"I didn't frame Sis..." Jessica objected agitatedly before patting her husband's arm lightly, "Honey, should we just let it go? I'm sure Big Sis didn't mean to do it on purpose. After all, we are family; let's not put her in such a rough spot."

"No way!" Suli Jeon answered vehemently, "She physically assaulted you, I can't just let it be! CEO Kwon, it won't do even if you intercede on her behalf, you have to understand that the woman intentionally harmed my wife and child."

"Such an Oscar-worthy performance," Dara commented with a slow clap.

The whole good cop bad cop act, while individually not so great, was paired to perfection.

A perfect pair of bad apples, they were truly meant for each other.

"Dara Park, what did you say‽" Suli Jeon glared at her, "You still dare to mock us at a time like this!"

Dara didn't have the stomach to watch them continue the acting anymore, she had what she needed.

"I complimented you two on your acting and you consider that mocking? I guess the truth really does hurt."

"Sis, but I'm really not, how could you accuse me of something I'm not doing, I'm so disappointed in you!" Jessica said helplessly, earning sympathy points.

Dara could feel the crowd's wrath charging at her like a wave.

Jessica had tried her best to forgive Dara of her sin and ease her out of the sticky situation but not only didn't Dara appreciate her but she went after poor little Jessica? The woman is a stone-cold woman!

"I accused you?" Dara leveled Jessica a steely gaze, "Jessica Lee, there is karma in this world. You know perfectly well what truly happened, I advise you to come out with the truth before things take a turn for the worse."

"Sis, you..." Tears of frustration flowed out of Jessica's eyes. Like a woman devoid of hope, she told Suli Jeon softly, "Honey, you're right, I shouldn't have condoned her actions in the past. It's all my fault."

"Darling, don't worry, it's still not too late, and it's definitely not your fault," Suli Jeon turned and ordered the police officers with underlying warning, "Do you get paid to stand there like stones? We'll know the truth after we get her to the station!"

"Ms. Park, please follow us immediately!" The officers took the hint and said harshly.

Dara stood still, her mouth opened to say, "If you want me to follow, fine, but first answer me two questions."

"What else do you want to say?" the police were getting impatient but the law did state that Dara was innocent until proven guilty so they gave her the chance to speak her mind.

Furthermore, the room was curious to what she wanted to say.

Jiyong stood at the side watching her, for some reasons, he felt in his heart Dara could settle this herself.

However, it didn't stop him from wondering, how will she prove her innocence?

Dara asked with a tone as if this was all but another normal day, "My first question is how serious the criminal charge will be if I'm convicted of intentionally hurting Jessica?"

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