Wake-up call. (Chapter 15)

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Asriel's POV

Why did (Y/N) bring that thing along? I want to ask about this but (Y/N) doesn't seem emotionally stable at the moment, and we just reunited. I'm worried, I can't ask about heavy topics at the moment. They look like they're ready to burst into tears. For the weeks they've been gone, we've been nonstop worrying about our (Y/N). They seem alright physically, but the mental damage they seem to be processing is heavy. Again, once this is all over, I'll talk things out with them.

We slowly but surely approach our home. Since (Y/N) rushed off weeks ago, the Drremurr family has been in a state of concern and depression, I would've given anything in the world to see (Y/N), but after reuniting with them, something seems wrong. (Y/N) seems different. Something about them has changed. They walk at my side, expressionless. They seem deep in thought. We continue slowly in silence.

(Y/N)'s POV

I've bottled up my emotions for so long while I constantly tried to escape Betty, here I am now, having saved her life.

What's wrong with me?

My head is spiralling out of control, I don't know what to do with myself. I continue to solemnly walk at Azzy's side. I'm snapped out of my delusions and confusions when I hear an all too familiar sounding voice.

"(Y/N), honey? What are these clowns doing here?~"

Uh oh. Betty's up. I don't dare move a muscle. Pure fear is coursing through me.

"Hey hun~ lose the tension, I'm not gonna hurt you~" she giggles. Everyone stands in pure shock, even Chara stands a couple feet behind me. How did the two wake up so fast? More importantly, how am I gonna deal with this?

I don't know how, but I have to think fast. If I don't... It's game over. Betty being capable of sensing my fear sends shivers down my spine. To say the least, I don't know what to do.

Running never works.

Fighting never works.

Letting things take their course never works.

The only workaround I could think of was letting her die back there, but my body wouldn't allow it. I'm awful. Not only have I angered a complete power-thirsty maniac, I've put my family in danger, saved Betty after I almost died and got manipulated time and time again. I'm no better than her. Really, I'm just as bad.

I thought I was the hero here, but maybe she's right. After all this, I've got blood on my hands too. I'm not innocent. I'm...


I'm a monster....

Betty's POV

It's working. I can't help but let a sinister smile creep upon my face as I use my hate on (Y/N). Their self doubt and misguided confidence make for an easy target. Their eyes glow a deep pink, completely stuck in a trance. Maybe (Y/N) will finally realise that we belong together.

I knew I could win you over in the end,

With a little hate.

With a little hate... (Betty X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now