chapter 3 - hegarty

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M/T wrung her hands anxiously as she stood by the door.
She heard a small knock. It was him. She opened the door and looked on in awe as the tall, dark haired man stood infront of her.
"I'm Mr Hegarty." He held out his hand.
"Oh, he-hello, I'm Miss M/T." She shook his warm hand. His long fingers gripped her palm.
He smiled down at her, showing his perfect white teeth.
Her knees felt week, hairs stood up on the back of her neck and her mind raced.
"So, how much homework do you set a week?" He asked, pushing his slick brown hair out of his face.
"Oh, four tasks a week." She nodded, finally letting go of his hand.
"Oh, that's amazing. Perfect." He grinned.
Her mouth felt so dry, but something else felt wet.
"Do you like the site?" He asked.
"Oh, uhh, um I like the videos, you explain in so much detail and I think it's so perfect." She took a deep breath. "Oh, sorry, that must sound so weird, I like your videos, I like you... oh lord, s-ss-sorry." She put a hand on her face, feeling sheepish.
"No, it's alright." He put a hand on her cheek and lifted her chin so their eyes met. "I like you too."
He walked out of the room, leaving m/t to collapse on the floor. She pushed the door shut with her finger tips and put a hand between her thighs.
She hadn't felt like this for a long time.
There was another knock on the door.
"Hold on." She called, getting up.
Miss Hardbadgyo came in. "So..."
"He is so perfect." She said.
"So hes nice? What did you talk about?" She asked.
"You know... homework for the kids." M/T said.
Miss Hardbadgyo shut the door.
"I know you like him. I've seen the way your face lights up. How is he actually."
"He said he liked me." Miss m/t rubbed her cheeks.

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