Bee and Flower

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A/N: Be aware that this story is simple and cute. This story is more suited for kids but I think everyone can enjoy it. So please give me some feedback on what you think or if you see any mistakes, and enjoy!

When the world was first created by the Great Forces, there was nothing. Slowly, as time passed, the world soon began to fill, but true beauty and color had yet to surface. One fateful day though, a green stem emerged from the grey earth, and slowly grew. In a few days the green stem blossomed into a beautiful purple flower, a color that had never been seen before. The earth had been given the first 'flower'.

As the days passed, and the flower grew taller, she grew sad and lonely, as she was the only flower and only colorful life that existed yet. The flower wished with all her being that there could be more flowers, more color, and more beauty. And then one day, she met the one who would make her dream a reality.

It was a quiet, dull day, like any other, and the flower was gazing at the bare land when she heard a new sound. Buzzing. A little round creature, colored yellow and black, flew around and settled in the air in front of her.

"Hello, my beauty. What are you called?"

"Hello, I am Flower, and what are you called?"

"I am Bee. How lovely to meet you. I've never seen such beauty!"

"Thank you Bee, but I fear that is the problem, I am the only flower, and I want the world to be filled with the beauty from my colorful petals."

Bee thought for a few moments, then asked, "May I ask for a favor, lovely flower? I have been flying for a very long while, and I would love to sit and rest on your beautiful petals. Would you allow me?"

Flower agreed and so the two sat and talked for hours. Bee explained that she was trying to find the perfect home to start her 'hive', she also explained that she would soon have many babies and they would help expand her home.

After hours of talking Bee finally stood up and flew in front of Flower, "I must be going now, my lovely flower, but as my friend, I will make you a promise. I will make your dream come true and fill the world with your color and beauty, all I ask is that you wait for one whole season."

Flower, of course, agreed immediately. "Will I ever see you again, my bee?"

Bee looked on with thought, "I can't say Flower, maybe one day."

The two parted and the days dragged on.

As the season passed, Flower slowly started seeing more and more smaller versions of her bee. She always greeted them warmly, knowing that they were Bee's children, and let them rest on her petals whenever she was asked.

As winter finally came around, Flower went to sleep, excited to see what Bee had promised her.

After the cold seasons had passed, Flower started to awake from her sleep. When she was fully blossomed she couldn't believe what was in front of her. Color. As far as the eye could see, was color. The earth was covered with green lush grass and flowers were growing everywhere. Bees buzzed around the field and other new creatures move about the grass.

Flower was filled with so much joy and happiness. Her bee had really done it, she made her dream come true, and unknowingly, also helped Bee with hers.

Many seasons passed, Flower basking in the beautiful world that the earth had become, till the day that Flower slowly started to wilt. One her last day, she quietly watched as the sun started to set. She was lost in thought when a bee softly buzzed towards her. "May I ask for a favor, lovely flower? I have been flying for a very long while, and I would love to sit and rest on your beautiful petals. Would you allow me?"

At the familiar voice Flower looked at the bee, her bee.

"My bee! It has been a long time my friend!"

Bee lightly landed on Flower's petals. "My lovely flower, it has been too long."

"I'm very glad I got to see you again, I was afraid that I would leave without ever seeing you again."

Bee settled down on the petals, "I was too, that is why I came tonight. We may have not come into this world at the same time, but we shall leave it together my friend."

A sense of calm filled the air around the two.

"Thank you Bee, for making my dream come true. For filling the world with color."

Bee buzzed a laugh, "My beautiful flower, it was only because of you that I was able to do it. Now, I think it is time for us to leave."

"Yes, I think so too. Till we meet again, my Bee."

"Till we meet again."

And so, as the sun faded into the horizon, so did the flower and the bee on it's petals.

Till we meet again Bee and Flower.

~The End~

Thank you very much for reading! Let me know what your thoughts on it are! Have a wonderful day!

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