Xu Yangyuzhou (Eliwa Xu)

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It was one fine Saturday evening, the 7Senses along with other artists just performed in one of the biggest malls which happen to be co-proprietorship owned by Zhao Xiaotang's father. Xiaotang was told by her father to attend the event for him since he is busy closing business deals in Shenzhen. Xiaotang told Sunrui about the event a few months ago, so she could cancel her schedules in advance, and she was willing to go too since she's a fan of some performing artists. Not to mention one of the members of 7Senses was their former classmate in senior high school. Xiaotang and Sunrui wanted to catch up with her and to get to know her members. The 7Senses has just released their latest album: The Shadows which they performed U Know and The Shadows on stage. After the event, Xiaotang congratulated all the artists' amazing performances on stage. She also congratulated the crew and staffs' hard work during the event. The 7Senses members and Sunrui decided to have dinner somewhere else, unfortunately, Xiaotang was busy being the representative on behalf of her father's absence. She told them that she'll just catch-up after greeting all the board of directors. She doesn't like to have a small talk to those old men but it was her job since her father wasn't there. And if she will be taking over her father's business, she has to learn to talk like a businessman, to widen the social connection.

An hour later, Xiaotang arrived at the restaurant where Sunrui dropped the address pin to the place. She was so annoyed when Sunrui kept pestering her by calling and messaging her many times while she was at the convention, socializing with other businessmen for the image. Her mouth was so stiff from fake smiling all the time that she almost couldn't put it back to the way it normally was. Suddenly Sunrui was calling her on the phone.


"I'm already outside! I'm coming! I'm coming!"

"You haven't replied to all of my text, you even canceled all my calls!"

"Are you stupid? I told you I was busy being a two-faced bitch to those old men. My mouth is stiff from fake smiling." Xiaotang massaged her mouth to ease her muscle.

"Good thing we haven't finished eating yet. Come! Don't walk, sprint! We're not going to wait for you, you're not a princess!" Sunrui hanged the call before Xiaotang could reply.

"Ugh! This piece of sh..."

While Xiaotang entered the elevator going to the 27th floor of the building, she was checking Sunrui's messages.

[Sunrui] We arrived in the restaurant. I didn't know Yangyang's family owned a restaurant. It's fancy here.

[Sunrui] I'll drop you a location pin later

[Sunrui] Yangyang said you should come here quickly!

[Sunrui] I didn't know they trained in South Korea for how many months.

[Sunrui] They were asking your whereabouts you should probably come now!

[Sunrui] Xiaotang!!!!!11!!1 Aiyamaya they are so beautiful, come!!!11!!

[Sunrui] I bet your type is either Zhao Yue or Zhang Yuge. 💦💦💦

[Sunrui] Y'know when they introduced Dai Meng to me, my gaydar was tingling 👀🦄🌈

[Sunrui] Can you believe Xu Yangyuzhou is now called Eliwa 😂😂😂😂😂 Eliwa my a$s! -- YANGYANG!! 😂😂😂😂

[Sunrui] I think Kiki is also pretty 😲

[Sunrui] Zhao Xiaotang heeeeeeelp me from temptation!!!!! 🚨

[Sunrui] AYA! REPLY!!!!!! 😤😤😤

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