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(Y/N) was at Hyrule Castle.

Just about a week before the Calamity, though no one knew it.

They were there on official business- they were to paint portraits of each of the Champions, recommended by Princess Zelda herself. It was true that they were skilled, though they were not skilled at talking to people, and had a reputation for being quite introverted.

Which is why, at a celebration held for the Champions that they were invited to, (Y/N) was sitting in the corner, sketchbook in hand, people-watching.

Pushing back a lock of their (H/C) hair, you flinched as a feathery mass obstructed their vision. It was the Rito Champion, Revali, and he peered down at them.

"What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be sketching the Champions and talking to them about their preferences?" he asked, and his pompous and arrogant voice made you want to scream in frustration already.

"....I-I think that I c-can do that later, when I a-actually draw them..," you muttered, shrinking back into the corner more.

"Wow, intimidated, are we? I'm not surprised, as I am the greatest Champion and the most powerful," huffed Revali, crossing his wings, his jade eyes examining the slightly trembling Hylian before him.

"...I-I'm not a people person.. c-could you leave me alone..?" you whispered flatly, raising their sketchbook up to cover the bottom half of their face.

"Ugh. I was here to help you out of your poorly constructed shell, but even I know when my efforts are fruitless," Revali sighed. "But could you first paint me? Right now? The other Champions are getting on my nerves, and I want to get out of here."

"...u-um." You knew that you were under strict orders to do what they were told by the Champions, and didn't want to get fired already. And, you needed the money anyway. "...s-sure, follow me..,"

You motioned to Revali, standing up and brushing off your (F/C) robes, and walked off to a semi-secluded room that was filled with art supplies, canvases, and unfinished paintings displayed on the walls that were splattered with paint.

"...w-welcome to my studio, I-I've been working h-here for about a month..," you muttered. "P-Please go sit on that stool over there. Or stand in the pose you'd like me to p-paint you in."

Pointing to a medium-sized stool set up in front of an artist's easel and canvas, you busied yourself with gathering all the paint and brushes you needed, squirting paint on your palette and mixing some together. Revali glided over to the stool, pushing it out of the way before removing his bow and posing himself in a way he clearly thought was imposing and handsome.

"Alright, w-what color do you want the background to be..?" You asked, moving your head from behind the easel to look at the Rito, who was preening his feathers.

"Ah, I'd like a color darker than my feathers... ," he mused. "And I want myself to be glowing slightly around the edges. And, can my braids be flying as if in the wind?"

"I-I can do that..," you sighed. "Stand still. Don't move."

And you began to paint, poking out your head from behind the canvas now and then to examine Revali. It didn't take him long to realize you were in your element, your eyes sparkling in the sparse light coming from the windows and your actions no longer slow and rather painful to watch (at least for him).

You almost looked cute.


It took a little while, but you finished in due time. Wiping your brow with a clean cloth, you gingerly picked up the painting and walked over to the Champion, who immediately started to stretch. "That took way too long. Let me see." He motioned with his wing.

You slowly showed your masterpiece to him, looking away timidly. You always hated this part of the process. The people you usually painted portraits for mostly just took the painting with a blank face and gave you your payment, as if they didn't care or didn't even like it. As if you were just a waste of their time. Of course, a lowly artist wouldn't garner much attention anyway.

What you didn't expect was for Revali to squawk loudly. It made you jump, and you almost dropped the still-drying painting.

"By Hylia! This is truly magnificent! You have done a great job of capturing my likeness!" the Rito Champion announced, peering at the painting with what looked like a smile on his beak. "I look so brilliant! And brave!"

You could feel your cheeks flushing, and couldn't bring yourself to look at Revali again. "U-um.. I'll be on my way then. T-Thanks for your time, Master Revali!" You bowed, and turned away to go deliver the painting to the assigned man.


Revali's voice rang out again, and you turned around, surprised. "Y-Yes?"

He hurriedly plucked one of his feathers, and held it out to you.

You looked at him, a confused expression on your face. "What is it, M-Master Revali?"

Laughing, the Rito tucked it in your hair, the close contact causing you to flush again, this time deeper. Your face looked akin to an apple.

Stuttering for a response, you looked into Revali's eyes.

"For your trouble. Now, I will be off!" And with that, he sauntered away, back to the main hall where the festivities were taking place, leaving you just standing there for a few moments before you rushed off to bring the painting where it was supposed to be.

~ Epilogue

You got word of the brave Rito Champion being slain by Ganon a few weeks later, just before you escaped far away to Hateno Village. The tears wouldn't stop falling.

In your last days, you would meet Link, the last Champion surviving.

You'd tell him your story, and show him the feather.

And you'd pass as you'd live. Peacefully and quietly.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2020 ⏰

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