Meet Antonio

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I am Antonio Romano, Tony for short.

As per my name I am beyond praise. I am the one and only heir of 'The Romano', one of the biggest and most influential company.

I don't need introduction just ask someone my name and they will tell you about me. You can just call me 'perfect'. I am a brilliant student, captain of the basket ball team and at last but not the least devilishly handsome.

I am one of most famous playboy in this country. I am the favourite subject of paparazzi along with my best friends who are also the heirs of biggest companies. They are

-Blaze Stainforth

-Ian Clifford

-Jin Bennington

-and myself .....Antonio Romano

We have been best friends since our kindergarten. We are also known as F4. Well I don't know why. We all four live in the same building but have our own apartments. We all have everything that anyone can wish for.

Last night we all slept in Blaze's apartment as we drank all night and played video games. We have a rule that the one who loses has to do the dare given by the winner. As for yesterday, Ian was the winner and I was the loser. So I have to do a dare.

And that dare is to 'make the girl truly fall in love with me whomever I see first in the college'.

It's quite tough but not impossible. I can get any girl on my bed but the concept of love is just too clingy.

We all went to college in Jin's car as only Jin was sobber among us, we all still had hangover.

"So do you remember your dare" Jin asked while parking the car.

"Yeah" I said

We all came out of the car and started walking to the Canteen. However today there were very less students or I should say they all were guys. We were halfways as we were stopped by some girl's voice. We all turned back and I was hoping it to be some beautiful girl so that I will be ready for my dare. When I saw there were two girls.

"Take this, Mom gave this for you guys." Ian's sister Irene said.

Ian took it from her and greeted the other girl. I have seen that girl many times with Irene.

"Where is my Darling" Blaze asked about his girlfriend, Maria Evans.

"She had early class" Irene replied.

Ofcourse I know the other girl, she is Stella White. One of the member of M.I.S.S and one of the brightest student.

After taking the box from Irene we all went to Canteen and took the hangover soup that Ian's mom prepared. I was just kept the first spoon of soup in my mouth when

"So, you have to make Irene fall for you." Blaze said while I, Ian and Jin choked our soup.

"What the hell are you talking, she is my sister." Ian bursted

"So then is it Stella" Jin asked with frown

"Ofcourse, I consider Irene as my sister" I said

"That's impossible, better you change the girl." Ian suggested.

"Why,do you like her?" I questioned him

"No, she is like little sister to me. Its just she is a member of M.I.S.S and she is not the type to fall for your looks or money." Ian said

"Plus, she don't give a damn to boys." Jin added

"Plus, she is really innocent and my darling's best friend" Blaze said

"That's quite interesting, the hard to get the girl on bed the more interesting the night will be" I said smirking.

"Let's see, whether you change her or she changes you"  Blaze said with a cunning smile.

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