Part 10 - Mors Grano ★

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The days after Avery's poor attempt of gathering information went by quite eventfully. Not only had Avery and Lestrange almost gotten expelled by Dippet for what they had done, but had received the worst detention you had ever heard of.

Every day, up until the N.E.W.T.s would start, they had to help Mr Carpe, Hogwarts' caretaker, to clean every last bit of the castle. Without magic of course. And when they weren't scrubbing floors, cleaning windows, or polishing trophies, they were copying the school rules on parchment, by hand. The amount of paper they had to fill wouldn't even fit into an entire classroom, had it not been rolled up.

Even if they wanted to, their new schedule didn't give them enough time to follow you or even think about you. They barely had enough time to finish their homework before tumbling into their beds. You would have felt sorry for them, but Tom's snarky grin, which he wore every time you saw the two in the hallways, was a reminder that they deserved it.

Thank Merlin you hadn't told Avery much when he had disguised himself as Tom. You had just confirmed that the engagement had been arranged but fortunately hadn't said anything about your sister. There had been worse rumours going around about Tom and you. 

Camille almost didn't believe you when you told her what they had done. After a lot of head shaking and "no, they didn't"s she just stared at you with her mouth open and proceeded to laugh for a full minute or two when you told her about their punishment.

It was a lucky coincidence that she had found an interest in Ben, as she didn't mind now that you were spending a lot more time with Tom. She was preoccupied as well by the looks of it.

After the accidental sleepover, you had stayed in Tom's dorm overnight more often. Not on accident though. It had become a routine, to have another quick chat with Camille after classes, arrange some dates for when you wanted to study together and then make your way to Tom's.

Tom was sitting at his desk when you entered the room, apparently deep in thought and studying the Potions book he had gifted you.

"Alright?" you said when you closed the door.

He nodded as you went up to him.

"Found anything interesting for the Moly?" you asked. "It still looks quite healthy to me."

"Not really," he answered and turned towards you. "Nothing specific."

"Oh, I just got an owl from my parents." You crammed the letter out of your bag and handed it to him. "They set the date. For the wedding."

Tom read the letter quietly, his eyebrows twitching slightly once or twice.

"June 30th," he said.

"That's only one day after we graduate," you stated and tried to lighten the mood by joking. "Seems like they can't wait for the big day."

He nodded as he gazed into the flames inside the fireplace, a tiny grin pulling on the edge of his mouth before he looked up at you. "Can you?"

To keep the giggle that was building up inside you from bursting out, you took Tom's hand, tugged lightly on it and gestured towards the couch where you wanted to sit. He closed the potions book but kept a finger in it, taking it with him as you led him over.

"Well, I don't know," you said as you let yourself fall onto the cushion. "It still doesn't feel real, does it?"

He nodded in agreement.

"I can't wait to try on the dress, though. That'll be exciting," you went on and noticed him smiling. "And then there's the most important part, of course."

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