Chapter 3 - Suspicious Boyfriend?

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(Atlas POV)

He was terrified, hugging himself for comfort as he gently shook... I haven't known him for that long, but I couldn't help but feel the need to comfort him. "Hey, listen," I began as I grabbed his chin, gently lifting his head to look at me, "panicking won't do us any good. Now, let's take a deep breath and consider our options..." I trail off as I thought about it. What places haven't we checked yet? "Well... We can always try looking for the control room, it could help us understand this place. But to do that I need you to stay calm and act natural... Can you do that for me?" Oliver hesitates before nodding. "Fine, but if anything happens, I'm blaming you and feigning innocence!" He stated, causing me to chuckle, "fair enough."

The two of us explored the station, but no matter how thorough we were when searching, there wasn't a single exit in sight. It felt like we were going in circles, only passing the same stores and seating areas. After two hours of zero success, Oliver had pointed out a door that neither of us had noticed before, thinking it might be important. I could see why, this was the only place that had a guard stationed outside it. How did we miss it? But after watching him for a while, I couldn't help but notice how unnatural he was.... He hadn't moved a single muscle, and I'm 99% sure he's yet to blink. I felt the hairs on the back of my neck rising as I continued to watch him, he exerted a dangerous presence and I knew I wasn't the only one that felt it; everyone else kept a safe distance away from him. I turned to Oliver, explaining to him that's probably where the control station is, we just need to find a way to get past the guard.

He blinked in disbelief before angrily hissing, "Aye right, how are we supposed to do that?! That guy's at least twice my size!" I found myself smirking, "... Well, you could always seduce him and I'll sneak past while he's distracted." Needless to say, he wasn't amused by this. "Oh, you're hilarious. Just give me a moment, I need to fix my hair and by some miracle develop some form of flirting skills by practicing in front of the mirror for the next hour." Heh, I really can't help but love his sarcasm; he really is a little ball of sunshine. "Hey, don't get all salty at me, sweetheart," I taunted, winking at him. I open my mouth to tease him for his awkwardness, but I stop short when I felt eyes on us.

I leant closer to Oliver and whispered to him, telling him to glance behind me to see who's watching us and try to make it not obvious. He looked confused at first, but soon he came closer, wrapping his arms around me as he rested his chin on my shoulder. I returned the hug, moving slightly so he could have a better view. I could feel his breathing change as he shifted nervously, "there's a guard staring right at us, Atlas... What do we do...?" I don't answer him, keeping the emotion out my face. I knew we had to blend in, he's looking for a sign that something's off.

To say the others here are oblivious would be an understatement. They all seem stuck in their own little bubbles, only interacting with those in their family if they were fortunate enough to have someone with them. Most of the time they just sat there, staring into space... I should have known that we'd stick out like a sore thumb. "Listen Oliver, We just need to keep calm, alright? I'll make sure we get into that room. I'll distract him while you slip through." His breathes quickens once I finish speaking, "oh yeah, that's not a issue he's coming right for us."

Oliver hides his face in the crook of my shoulder. "Yeah, that's a great hiding spot!" I spat out. "Shut up! His eyes freak me out!" Of course they did. I couldn't help but roll my eyes at that statement. "OI! YOU TWO! GET 'ERE!" The guard shouted at us as he approached. I turned around to face him, swinging Oliver with me so his back faced the guard. "How rude... The correct term is, 'excuse me young men, may I have a word with you?'" I can feel Oliver tense within my arms, telling me to shut up and not make this any worse than it already is.

The guard sneered at us and I felt anger swell up inside me. He'd just successfully managed to piss me off. "I'm taking you two in for suspicious behaviour, come along peacefully now." I raise an eyebrow, smiling innocently, which I must admit: is hard for me to do at the best of times. "Suspicious behaviour?" I repeated, "if you don't mind me asking, how is giving my timid cinnamon role of a boyfriend a hug suspicious behaviour?" Oliver paused as he took in what I said before loudly whispering, "your what now?!" I laugh, refusing to break eye contact with the guards as I smirk, "Aw, don't be shy darling let your 'boyfriend' handle this."

Well... I didn't exactly handle it as we soon both found ourselves in handcuffs, dragged to a mostly empty room that only contained a table and some chairs: an interrogation room. I grumbled to myself as I was forced to sit. How the hell was I supposed to know the guard didn't like being called a prick and bastard?!

"Well done, my wonderful 'boyfriend'. I knew you could handle it! Great job!"

"Aw why thank you, sweetheart!" I cheerfully say as I swing out my cuffed wrists.

"Shut up."

"You know you love me really."


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