New York City

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I guess the issue I've always had about living in New York was the space. Don't get me wrong, it's a great city, but it's hard to adjust to after growing up on a farm in East Anglia. My dog would hate it over here. The city's too big and noisy. On her first visit, I had to literally steer my girlfriend around the place because she'd stop and stare at all the skyscrapers. You don't get buildings like that where we came from.

Despite having lived in New York for 2 years, I rarely get to venture into the actual city. I have to stay year-round at Camp, cause it would be a hassle going from England to the US every year, plus the summer holidays come at different times. I do have a friend who's a New Yorker, so I was staying at his place for a couple of days.

Cameron's flat was pretty small (hence why I mentioned the space). Especially considering the 6 of us were all squished together on chairs in the sitting room. The walls were covered in old playbills and posters for broadway shows. His mum had moved to New York to be a Broadway star. That's how she first attracted Apollo. But the Broadway thing didn't work out so she owned her own live music bar in the Bronx.

So we were all sat there, watching Jaymie and Lizzie battle each other in Smash Bros. Jaymie's the daughter of Nike, so you can say she's pretty competitive. Actually, she's very competitive. One time in camp,when the Hunters came to visit, she challenged Cameron to an archery competition. Will and Thalia had to hold them back so they wouldn't kill each other. They are now never allowed to compete against each other in anything.

Lizzie is a different case. She's 100% mortal but don't let that fool you into thinking she's weak, just cause she doesn't have any godly powers. In Year 5, we were learning about different chemical reactions and hers worked so well,no one was allowed in the science block for a week. I missed her so much when I first came to Camp. I would iris-message her pretty much everyday. Then, one time I came home for Christmas and I received a little box from her with a note that said "Will you be my girlfriend?". And the rest is history. Technically speaking, she's not allowed to know anything about our world, but who's gonna find out?

Jaymie was absolutely smashing the buttons, not really going in with a strategy. You can tell she's not the daughter of Athena. Although, Jaymie was born sometimes in the early 60s so sometimes she gets a little overexcited when it comes to videogames.

"So, uh, Jaymie..." I start "Why aren't you with the other Hunters?"

She held up her right index finger to indicate "One second". She did one final whack of the A button which sent Lizzie (who was playing as Kirby) right off the end. Jaymie was playing as Mario because all the other characters to her were underdogs and "no one likes an underdog". I vowed never to introduce her to the Hunger Games.

"I can have days off, Nat," Her accent was strange. Her father is Polish so she has inklings of that, but she's also from Boston, so it mostly sounds like that.Of course, she hasn't been to Boston nor has seen her dad for years. She ran away when she was 15 (well, she still is 15, but I mean when she was 15 in the 70s) and joined the Hunters. I suppose being trans,it was her way of proving she's a girl. Like a massive middle finger to her dad.

"Aren't you supposed to be serving Artemis, though?" Ember asked. Ember's a satyr, half-boy, half-goat. Satyrs are devoted to the wild and thus, are devoted to Artemis. If he could be a Hunter, I'm sure he would. I always found his name ironic. Ember, like a fire. Fire burns down trees.

"Like I said, day off. Rematch?" she asked Lizzie. Lizzie looked slightly miffed after losing the match, and I can't say I would blame her. Then again, she did choose to play against the most competitive person out of all of us, so really, it was her call.

"I'll play." Cage took the controller from my girlfriend and selected his character, Pit. Now, Cage's name isn't really Cage. It's KJ, Kevin-James, hence why we call him Cage. How we met is quite funny actually. Last year, there was this huge battle between the Greeks and the Romans and he tried to kill me. Being a Hermes kid, I was setting some traps around the border when he caught me. He said something in Latin that I couldn't understand and he attacked me. I thought it was strange as I thought Romans were all about uniformity and teamwork, but there we were, fighting. We eventually stopped and called a truce, which was a pretty good decision.

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