Chapter 1

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Looking at her phone Tulisa sighs and puts it back down beside her. Dappy and Fazer are late. They were supposed to be at the tour bus at half 6. It's now half 7 and they've still not turned up. She's usually the one that's late but for once she was actually on time. She lies down on the sofa and closes her eyes. About half an hour later Fazer comes walking on the bus. "Where have you been?" She asks sitting up. "What's it got to do with you." He replies walking into the kitchen area and getting a glass of water. "I was just wondering cause your like an hour and a half late." She says. "Just leave it T." He replies. "Leave what I only asked a simple question. I've been sitting here on my own since half 6!" She says. "Big fucking deal. It's not that when your late and we have to wait on you is it, no!. Now just fuck off and leave me alone!" Fazer shouts just as Dappy walks on the bus. "What's going on here?" He asks. "Nothing she's having a fucking go at me for nothing." Fazer replies. "I was not having a fucking go at you. I only asked where you'd been cause you were so late." She says. "Look stop it both of you. We can't go on like this. I know things have been tough since you two broke up but do you know what while we're on tour yous need to try and get along for the sake of the fans okay. Then when we're finished you can scream and shout at each other all you want just not right now." Dappy replies. Tulisa sighs and stands up. "I'm going to bed." She says walking over to her bunk and climbing in. A tear falls down her cheek as she remembers the relationship her and Fazer had. It was the happiest relationship she'd ever had. It was built purely on love and there were times when she thought he would do anything for her. She rolls over onto her side and pulls the cover up over her and just begins to cry. Meanwhile in the seating area Fazer and Dappy are talking. "Faze, you need to get over her." Dappy says. "I've tried. I love her Daps, I always have and I always will. She just doesn't feel the same." Fazer replies. "Now that's just stupid Faze." Dappy says. "How is it. She was the one that ended it remember." Fazer replies. "She thought you were cheating on her. That's the reason she ended it Faze, she couldn't take it anymore. She still loves you its obvious. Do you really think she'd be like this if she didn't?" Dappy asks. "I don't know." Fazer replies. "Look give her some time then talk to her. Don't shout just talk." Dappy says. "Ok." He replies. "Right well I'm gonna go get some sleep before we get there." Dappy says standing up and walking to his bunk. He gets in and falls asleep almost instantly. About 20 minutes later Tulisa comes walking out her bunk. She thinks everyone is in bed so decides to get up to fix her mascara which has ran down her face with her tears. She walks into the seating area and sees Fazer sitting. "Oh I'm sorry I thought you'd gone to sleep." She says quietly. "Its fine, wait have you been crying T?" He asks. "Erm no I just rubbed my eyes." She replies quickly. "T, don't lie to me, its obvious you've been crying." He says standing up and walking towards her. "It's fine. I just need to get a tissue." She replies quickly walking away from him and into the kitchen. "T, I didn't mean to upset you, I just, it was hard this is like the first time we've properly saw each other since we broke up. It was hard for me." He says following her. "And what you don't think it was hard for me aswell. Do you really think I'm some cold hearted bitch that doesn't still care about you." She replies getting a tissue and wiping her eyes. "I didn't say that." Fazer says. "Whatever Fazer." Tulisa replies. "Look, I care about you more than I've ever cared about anyone else. I miss you like crazy and I still love you." He says. "Can we talk, like properly. Go sit down and talk?" Tulisa asks. Fazer shakes his head and walks away to his bunk. Tulisa walks back out to the seating area and sits down. She sighs as a tear falls down her cheek and wonders why she is so incapable of having a lasting relationship.

A few hours later they're at the hotel in Glasgow and are sitting in the hotel lobby waiting on their rooms. Tulisa's eyes are slightly red from crying and she hasn't spoke to Fazer since when they were in the kitchen. "I wish they'd hurry up with our rooms." Tulisa says. "Why?" Dappy asks. "Cause I want to go to sleep." Tulisa replies. "When are you not sleeping." Fazer says cheekily. "Shut up Fazer." Tulisa replies. "Well stop being such a moody bitch please! This is supposed to be fun, us three on tour again." He says. "Yeah well it can't be fun can it. Not when we're constantly arguing and you tell me you love me then refuse to talk to me. Tell me how the fuck that can be fun." Tulisa replies. "Maybe the same way you ending our relationship over rumours was fun for me!" Fazer says. "So this is what that's all about. You don't still love me you just wanted to hurt me for ending things between us. I thought you were different Fazer I really did. And to think I thought about giving us another go." Tulisa replies with tears running down her cheeks. "T, I'm..." Fazer begins to say. "Just leave me alone." Tulisa says and walks outside she pulls her hood over her head so the paps cant see she's crying and walks back onto the tour bus. She sits down in the seating area and begins crying her eyes out. After a few minutes Fazer walks on and sits beside her. "T, I'm sorry. I didn't mean what I said. Of course I love you I always have." He says. "Then why say what you just said in there?" She asks. "I don't know I was hurt I guess." He replies. "So you wanted to hurt me is that what your trying to say?" She asks. "Well no." He replies. "Can you just leave me alone please?" She asks. "No not while your like this." He replies. "Fine, I'll leave." She says standing up and walking off the bus. She pulls her hood up again and walks into the hotel. "T, you okay?" Dappy asks. "Yeah, have they sorted our rooms out yet?" She replies. "Yeah, Gareth's up in yours. Your number 601 on floor 6." He says. "Thanks, well I'm gonna go up." She replies and walks over to the lift. She gets in and presses for floor 6. Once she gets there she finds her room and knocks on the door. Gareth opens it within a few minutes and he hugs her tightly. "You okay?" He asks. She shakes her head as she begins to cry again. "Right come sit down and tell me all about it." He says. She sits down on the bed and explains everything to him. "So you still love him?" He asks and Tulisa nods her head. "Are you sure?" He asks. "I've never been surer of anything in my life." She replies. "So you need to tell him T." He says. "Well I tried to but he didn't let me." She replies. "Right, well at one point you do need to tell him. You can't go on like this T." Gareth says. "I know G." She replies sighing. "Look get some sleep, you look exhausted." He says and Tulisa nods her head. She slowly climbs into bed and closes her eyes.

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