Chapter 39.

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A few weeks later they're back in Newcastle with the boys. Tulisa had a great time with Dappy and Fazer when she was in London. But now she's back to being Mummy and Wifey. She's not told anyone she's pregnant because of the amount of miscarriages she's had in the past but she has her twelve week scan and plans to send him a picture of the scan.

Sitting on the sofa with Noah on her knee Tulisa kisses his forehead. "You going to Grandpa's for a little bit today?" She asks and Joshua nods his head beside her. "Yeah, he said we can go to the park." He replies. "Good remember and put your scarfs and gloves on though." She says and he nods his head. "Yeah." He replies. A few minutes later Danny comes walking downstairs carrying "Right are we ready to go to Grandpa's?" He asks and Tulisa nods her head standing up with Noah balances on her hip. They leave and drive to Danny's dad's house. Danny takes the kids inside and comes back out 10 minutes later. He sees Tulisa sitting looking down at her stomach as a tear falls down her cheek. "Baby, what's wrong?" He asks getting in the car. "Nothing." She replies. "T, come on I'm not stupid." He says. "I'm just scared." She replies placing her hand on her stomach. "Everything's gonna be fine." He says grabbing onto her hand. "How do you know that, how many times have we went for a twelve week scan and there's not been a heartbreak? How many times have we thought everything was fine and it turned out it wasn't. How many times Danny?" She asks breaking down in tears. He moves closer to her and pulls her into his arms. He kisses her forehead and just holds her until she stops crying. "What if its not okay?" She asks. "I don't know T." He replies. "Right lets go please. I just want to get this over with." She says and he nods his head letting go off her. They drive to the hospital and go inside.

An hour later they come walking out the hospital hand in hand. Tulisa looks up at Danny and smiles. "See I told you everything was going to be alright." He says leaning down and pressing his lips to hers. "I know!" She replies hugging him tightly. They get in the car and drive back home. Danny's dad has agreed to keep the kids until 3pm and its only 1:30pm. They sit down on the sofa and Tulisa placing the scan picture on the table. She takes a picture with her phone and begins to send it to people.

To Dappy, Fazer, Ny, Gareth, Kaye, Mum, Dad :

-insert picture- Hopefully a little girl this time :) xx

She turns her phone off before she gets texts from them and logs onto twitter. She retweets a few people before logging off and cuddling into Danny. He kisses her forehead and wraps his arm around her waist. "I love you T." He says. "I love you too Dan." She replies smiling. An hour later Tulisa's fast asleep. Danny gently lies her down on the sofa and covers her with a blanket before leaving to go pick up the kids. When he gets back half an hour later Tulisa's still fast asleep. "How about we go play on the trampoline?" Danny suggests taking the kids into the back garden. They play for about an hour and a half before Tulisa comes walking out the back door. Danny smiles over at her and she sits on the step. "Yous be careful in here. I'm gonna zip the net up okay." Danny says getting out the trampoline. He zips the net up and walks over sitting beside Tulisa. She smiles and rests her head on his shoulder. They sit watching the kids playing for a few minutes until the housephone rings. "I'll get it." Tulisa says standing up and walking inside. She picks up the phone.

Tulisa : Hello?

Mum : Hi sweetie, its me.

Tulisa : Oh hey mum, did you get my text?

Mum : Yes I did, are you pregnant again?

Tulisa : Yeah, I'm 12 weeks exactly, I'm sorry we didn't tell you sooner its just because of all the miscarriages we didn't want to tell anyone. 

Mum : Its fine, have you told the boys?

Tulisa : Nope, not yet. We only got the scan today and Danny's out in the back garden with the boys. I've been asleep.

Mum : Oh alright, well will you come visit before the baby's born this time?

Tulisa : Of course I will. I'll be back up in a few weeks cause Danny's foot still hasn't healed so he gets more time off training.

Mum : Oh okay, well I'm gonna let you get back to whatever you were doing

Tulisa : Okay, can we maybe Skype later, the boys are dying to see you.

Mum : Course we can. Just call anytime, its always on anyway.

Tulisa : Okay, bye mum. Love you!

Mum : Love you too sweetheart. Give the boys a big kiss from me.

Tulisa : I will.

She hangs up and goes back to sitting next to Danny on the step outside. They let the kids play until at 5pm then Tulisa orders them a dominos. Once they've at Danny gives all three kids a bath and they Skype with Anne before putting the kids to bed. Danny comes walking downstairs after putting Joshua in bed to see Tulisa sitting on the sofa yawning. "Come on you." He says picking her up. "What you doing?" She asks. "Taking you to bed." He replies carrying her upstairs. He lies her downstairs and gets in beside her.  She rolls onto her side and looks at him. "I love you so much Danny!" She whispers and he smiles at her. "I love you too baby. Now get some sleep." He says kissing her forehead. She settles down with her head resting on his chest and smiles. Her life may not be perfect but she wouldn't change it for the world!

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