Chapter 8: Answers

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Travis and Garroth sat at a table in the Deep End Diner waiting anxiously for Stella to arrive. Garroth had hidden his ears, and wore a mask similar to the one Zane always did. He also has sunglasses over his eyes to try and conceal his identity. Travis was wearing a hat to try and cover his white hair, along with a fake mustache.

"I can't believe these were the best disguises we could find," he grumbled. Garroth gave the others, who were sitting at a booth not too far away, a thumbs-up before turning to Travis.

"It was what I could find in the time we had." He replied, "Plus, I think we look nice." The white-haired man rolled his eyes, but then froze when he saw a little girl come in.

It was the same girl he'd seen in the hospital. Was that Stella? The one that was so familiar but he just couldn't place it?

His suspicions were confirmed when she saw them and came over.

"Kai?" She asked, looking at Garroth. He shook his head.

"No, my name's Garroth, and that's Travis. I came instead of Kai. You're Stella, right?" He asked. She nodded, taking a seat at the table.

"Travis...that was your name! I couldn't remember." She smiled. That's when it hit him. He knew who she was.

"You...You were Katelyn and my tour guide when we first came to the island." He said.

"I was," she nodded, "you both cheered me up that day." Travis smiled.

"You seem a little young to be a tour guide," Garroth spoke, "How old are you? Ten, eleven?"

"I'm actually twelve," she replied, "Close, though. But we're not her for me, we're here for Katelyn."  Travis and Garroth nodded.

"How do you know she's alive?" Garroth asked.

"My mom brought her home the day of the Celestial Cannon incident," She explained, "She was in critical condition, with a stab wound. She brought her down to our basement and treated her since she's a doctor, but she eventually sped it up via magic."

"Who is your mother?" Travis asked.

"Dr. Aeson, you may have heard of her while in the hospital?" Stella replied. He shook his head. "Well, after she brought her home she wouldn't tell me anything. I didn't trust her since she didn't take her to a hospital; just our basement. I tried to tell someone about Katelyn but she caught me and I lost basement privileges."

"What does that mean?" Travis questioned, "Why is the basement so important?"

"It's the base of operations, where my mom spends most of her time." Stella explained, "Remember how I used to be your tour guide? My father manages the guide program. He hires everyone for it, but there's more to it."

"What, does he lead some kind of Starlight cult?" Garroth joked.

"Not exactly." Stella replied, "He's the one that started the program in the first place and provided most of the jobs here. Because of that a lot of people feel like they owe him. They'll follow anything he tells them to, without question."

"Oh...And they all meet in your basement?" Travis asked.

"No. They meet at the tour center. He gives them assignments every day, and they do them. They're all unquestionably loyal to him, and he assigns them to my mom whenever she asks. She normally just had two or three of them help with housework or take care of me when I was little, but recently it's seemed more...Evil. They're the ones that took Katelyn." Stella explained.

"What do you mean?" Garroth questioned.

"After she healed they kept her in a cell in the basement. I wasn't allowed down there but lately I've been taking her breakfast in the mornings before the person that's supposed to do it can get a chance." She said, "I snuck a message onto a napkin asking her to give me the name and number of someone discreet I could contact for her, and she gave me Kai's."

"She has his number?" Travis asked angrily. She nodded.

"But today after I brought her breakfast one of the top guides came by. I tried to listen in but all I heard was that she was 'cleared' and then they took her away, but I don't know where." Stella explained, "I don't know what my mom ordered or why she needs my dad's workers to help her."

"What does your mom want with Katelyn?" Travis asked.

"I don't know," Stella admitted, "I've told you everything I know."  He nodded.

"Thank you, really. Contact us the second you have new information?" Garroth asked, and she nodded.

"Can you give us the address to your house, in case we need it?" Travis requested.

"Yes, but I wouldn't go there unless you have to. If they think you're a threat, I don't know what they'll do," she admitted, handing him a slip of paper with her address written on it. With that, she went to leave before Travis stopped her.

"One last thing; how do we know we can trust you?" He asked. Stella smiled and placed a napkin on the table in front of them. He picked it up and studied it. It was the message she'd written to Katelyn asking for a name and number to contact.

He turned it over and saw the response on the back. It simply said 'Kai' along with his number. But it was Katelyn's handwriting; he knew it was. She was alive.

"Thank you," He said. She nodded.

Stella then went home, leaving Garroth and Travis to think about what she'd said. Her mother wanted Katelyn for something but they didn't know what. She was using tour guides assigned to her for something bad. But what? And why did she need so many guides to do it?

They must be more than loyal to her if they were willing to follow this woman even though it had nothing to do with being a tour guide...

All of this just seemed off. Was there something more going on?

A/n: Thank you for over 200 reads! I didn't think anyone would read this story. If you enjoyed the chapter please vote! See you next time!

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