Chapter 1

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Hidden worlds, something everyone wants, but they don't exist. Or do they? I thought they were just phantasy, that is, until I became a part of it. When did this all start? Well, I had been seeing things that no one else could. My parents decided to get me to the doctors because I was so adamite about what I saw. I was seeing monsters, freak events and such. I explained this to the doctor, and he found it amusing. Of coarse he didn't believe me, I thought as I rolled my eyes. The doctor left and came back with a bright blue piece of paper. "This is to help with your hallucinations." he said, handing me it. nothing was special about it, just a note with an illegible prescription on it.  With that, the doctor ushered me out the door. normal enough day, until I left the hospital. I was trying to make sense of the hand writing when I am knocked to the floor. My father, who was with me at the time attempted to fight, but was easily overcome by the stranger. As I tried to stand up again, I was beaten a second time, and thrown over his shoulder and carried off. They carried me to a cave on the side of the hospital and after ten minutes of running, I could finally see again. A torch lit area underground was the first thing that was visible, I was tossed to the ground as the stranger walked back behind a gate. I was finally able to walk on my own legs again, and looked around briefly. There was an outer shell where a few shadowy figures lurked. on the ground was a battlefield of corpses and weaponry. I was able to feel and hear rumbling relatively close, and the creatures in the stands began laughing and cheering. I quickly found a leather chest-plate and a blade off a corps and equipped them. without a moment to spare, a beast smashed threw a gate across from me. It was hideous, fifteen feet tall apish, with one eye. The shockwave it made splintering the gate landed me on my rear, not a good spot to be. I lugged over and picked me up by the foot. If anything was gonna kill me, it was his breath. a moment of brash thinking had me drive the point of my blade into it's eye. It's grip on me tightened, almost breaking my leg, till I cut off it's hand. I landed on my head causing me to loose my vision for a moment, and when I got back up, it smacked me across the arena. Blood seeped out of me from all over, I was tired, and had an angry one eyed beast to handle. The little energy I had left wasn't enough, and I was beat around till I felt a rib crack, and I passed out. When I finally woke up, I was in a dark abandoned building. There was a conversation happening concerning me just in a separate room, all I could make out was "He" and "Him". The door opened and I pretended to be unconscious still. "Look, he's a demi-god like us. not a monster". "Why is this even an argument? That thing is nothing like us". A similar theme was carried throw-out the entire conversation. There was a loud bang echoing threw the house. "Phoenix is here" one of them said as they wonder off, the other close behind them. I shuffled out of the bed to sneak out of the window. When I successfully made my way around the house, I was met by a teen girl with dark skin and eyes. She wore a bright colored polo and jeans with sneakers. "Oh, hi. um, who are you?" she asked as if she were looking for someone. someone she didn't know, but needed to see. "Uhh, Robert. and you?" I tried. "Robert... Benson?" she skipped ahead. "Y-yes? why?". She reached into a delivery satchel and pulled out a package three times as big as the satchel itself. "What in the..." I mutter. "Here is your package... wait, weren't you the guy just inside?" she said after handing me it. "No" I hastily replied. "Yeah, the guy we rescued from that place underground. Come with me?". She grabbed my wrist, which didn't hurt strangely, and pulled me back into the house. There were two others just inside, the two from earlier. "Blake, Morgana, I'm back again." she said cheerfully. "Oh, you're up." one of them said, a girl wearing cargo shorts, sandals, and a T-shirt. The other was a short guy in a leather vest jeans and boots. "What's all this?" I ask. "We ask the questions" Blake told me. "Cool your treads tank" Morgana said. "First off, who are you guys?". Blake rolled his eyes, "We are Demi-god survivors against monsters what want to hunt us in order to torture, kill, then eat us". I was really confused by this. "Demi-god? like..." I was trying to process this information. "Greek Myths, yeah, your part of it now." Phoenix finished. I sat down to think. I was just thrown into a tough world where my survival was based on my ability to fight off giant monsters who want to eat me. I still don't know what happened after I blacked out. they talked about getting me out of there, what did they mean "that thing". "So you're new to this. lucky you lasted this long without getting eaten." Morgana said. "What happened to that one eyed monster in the caves?" I asked, hopping to know. But they just look at each other, sadly no answers. As I stumble to my feet, the package fall out of my hands. I take a moment to look at it, before picking it back up. "So what did you mean that thing, when you came I had already blacked out." I told them, only furthering their confusion. "The dust, that was what the cyclops was". I looked back down at the package. It was a yellow envelope, bloated from the contents. I opened it up and pulled out a black jacket, and black gloves fell out as well. I shake out the clothing and put it on, he felt a chill run up his spine. His head was pulsating and spinning. "So, you in?" Phoenix asked. "I guess I don't have a choice." I said looking around.

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