"If it's meant to be you'll find your way to each other"

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Two weeks.

That's how long it's been since I've seen her. I caught a glimpse of her as she was leaving the little independently owned coffee shop, Aunt Ada's, a block away from the office. Since then I've been at the coffee shop every day after work until closing time with the hope that I'll see her again and get a chance to talk to her.

This is futile. She probably doesn't visit this coffee shop regularly. I'm sure I would have met her by now if she did. Begrudgingly, for the fourteenth night in a row, I get up as the sweet, grandmotherly woman moves from behind the counter to lock up.

"I've seen you here everyday for the past two weeks, hun. Not that I mind you keeping me company until I lock up, but it looks like you're here for another reason."

I let out an exasperated sigh, "Yeah, I've been coming by everyday in hopes of meeting the gorgeous, brunette with the striking hazel eyes and the most beautiful smile I've ever seen. A smile so bright it lit up my otherwise dreary day."

"You've got to be more descriptive than that. What's her name?"

"That's the problem! I don't know anything about her. I caught a glimpse of her as I was entering the coffee shop on my coffee break weeks ago. She smiled at me and it was like my world stopped." I say becoming increasingly more frustrated as this conversation progressed.

"Well hun, sometimes you need to let go, if it's meant to be you'll find your way to each other."

"Uh-huh... I've got to go Ada. I have an early morning at the office. We're starting a new project. I'll see you when I see you, night." I leave not wanting to spend another moment in the coffee shop. The drive home was spent thinking about the brunette beauty that has made a permanent home in my thoughts.

After another restless night, with little sleep, I wake up only to realize I've slept through my alarm and grabbing coffee from Ada's isn't going to be possible. I quickly rush to get dressed and make my way to the office.

The day is spent laboring over the new project and it's 8 o'clock before I realize that the office is empty. It's too late to go to Ada's. Like she said 'If it's meant to be we'll find our way to each other.' Deciding to leave things to fate, I head home for another restless night of sleep.

The following week goes by much the same. Long days at the office are spent working on the new project; however, the hazel-eyed brunette is never far from my thoughts.

One afternoon the CEO comes by my cabin. "Derek, good work on this project. The client is very happy with the work you've done."

"Thank you very much, sir."

"Take the afternoon off Derek, maybe grab some coffee, you deserve it. I've seen the long hours you've invested into the project this past week."

"Oh, thank you sir, an afternoon off is much appreciated." I gather my things and leave the office. I step out of the office building and my body moves on its own taking me to Ada's.

I enter the coffee shop and immediately stop, closing my eyes to savor the deep intake of the rich, smoky, and dark fragrance of freshly brewed coffee. The door to the coffee shop opens and someone crashes into me from behind. My eyes fly open and I turn around ready to unleash hell on the person who dares to disturb me. I lose my train of thought, the anger leaving my body as I take in the person in front of me.

It's her! My conscious screams, as I stare at her wide-eyed at a complete loss of words.

"I-I'm so sorry I bumped into you. I wasn't looking where I was going. Are you okay? Did you get hurt?" She slightly blushes and nervously rambles, not giving me a moment to answer. She looks so cute rambling like that and that blush. My god, it makes her look even more attractive!

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