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⚠️SLIGHT SMUT WARNING⚠️(pinning, choking, degrading, etc.)

WHo sTiLL wRiTeS egObAnG?!?1?!1?!!11?!!1!¡¡1!11¡!1¡??!?¡1!?!1? Shut up I know I'm a few years late whatever

In this universe both Dan and Arin are single

"Oh man...wait- no, no! No!"

The two men sitting on the couch knew they should've been recording or streaming a game right now, but neither one of them felt too entirely up to it. Right now they were playing Heave Ho, but they were playing some of the older levels because they were planning on returning the series, eventually.

"PFFF haha! Arin you suck as much as I remembered!"

"Shut up! You don't have to be mean about it."

Dan was once again waiting on the goal and sending balloons for Arin, who was determined to get the coin in the level that they were playing. Arin was starting to reach his limit.

"Wait, yes! Come on..."

Arin has finally grabbed the coin and directed the balloon towards the end goal, until Dan suddenly slapped the controller out of his hands, causing the controller to fling across the room and for his character to let go of both the balloon and the coin, falling to its death.

"What the fuck Dan?! Why did you do that?!"

Dan giggled while Arin got up and stomped over to the controller.

"I don't know, I thought it would be funny."

Arin shot him a mean look while he picked up the controller.

"And I was right!"

The now grumpy man came back over to the couch and sat down with a huff.

After a few more tries with Arin dying and Dan laughing at him, he was about to give up. Another try or so he finally managed to get the coin again with the balloon's help and he was headed for the goal.

"Oh my g- yes yes YES! Y-"

Dan quickly pushed the controller out of Arin's hands once again. In a fit of rage, he pushed Dan down on the couch and pushed his wrists up on both sides of his head, practically straddling him.

"You fucker! Do you know how annoying that is?! Stop!"

Dan looked at both of his wrists and then he looked Arin up and down. He bit his lip and his eyes met with angry ones. Suddenly a smirk grew across his lips.

"Make me."

"I- what?"

"Make me stop."

Arin suddenly caught the signal the Dan threw at him, his angry expression changing to a different kind of angry.

"Oh I'll make you stop alright."

"What are you gonna do? Huh? Probably nothi-"

Arin leaned down and smashed his lips with the lips of the man beneath him.

Dans eyes widened before they shut quickly as he began to kiss back with the same force and intensity.

After a minute or so, Arin sat up, breaking their kiss.

The two of them were panting, Dan more than Arin. Dan looked up and the man almost sitting on him and looking longingly at him. You could see the hunger in Arin's eyes. Dan was aroused just by the sight.

Arin leaned back down, but this time going to Dan's ear, his hot breath nipping at Dan's skin.

"Now that got you to shut up, now didn't it?"

"I- uh... f- um..."

Arin chuckled in Dan's ear, causing Dan to arch his back ever so slightly. He held back a moan by biting his lip.

He leaned back so their red faces are only inches apart.

Dan averted his gaze Arin jumped the slightest bit, quickly looking down at Dan's bulging dick and looking back up at him with large smirk a lustful eyes.

"Well, well, well. Looks like you have a little problem there don't ya?~"

"F-Fuck you."

"Hm, nah. But I can fuck you if you want~"

Dan's eyes widened as he turned his gaze back to meet Arin's hungry gaze.

"T-that's not what I- um... I mean I w-wouldn't...uh..."

Arin suddenly took his hands off of one of Dan's writs and grabbed his throat, Dan instinctively grabbing Arin's hand, but not attempting to pull his hand away.

"Use your words, or do I leave you breathless~"

Dan squirmed a little bit underneath Arin, and Arin's smirk faltered a little bit and his angry expression returned, but not as intensely as last time.

"You little slut! You like this don't you?!"

"I- fuck... Arin, ah!"

"Answer me you little whore!"

Dan quickly nodded his head while squeezing his eyes shut and continuing to bite his lip, nearly drawing blood at this point.

Arin squeezed his hand on Dan's neck tighter which cause the curly haired man to fling his eyes open with a gasp.

"Listen, do you want me fuck you or not?~"

Dan stayed silent for a moment, before meeting Arin's gaze

"A-Arin, p-p- ngk..."

Arin let go of Dan's neck and place his hand back on Dan's free wrist, who he hasn't moved.

"Aw look at how cute you are when you're all flustered and horny..."

At this point Dan was panting and trembling beneath the man sitting on top of him.

"You know what Danny? I'm not going to give it to you."

Dan focused his gaze onto the smirk that fell across Arin's face.

"I- h-huh?"

"In fact, I think I'm going to go home. It is getting late after all."

Arin pushes himself up off of Dan and headed for the door, not trying to hide his obvious erection. Dan quickly sat himself up as if he was going to attempt to run after the man now at the door, but he stopped himself from getting up.

"I think you should go home too, but you also might want to take care of that problem you got there, otherwise the trip home would be pretty uncomfortable."

Dan was speechless, as he has been for several minutes. He just stared with a shocked expression on his face as Arin smiled at him, his whole demeanor changing.

"Goodnight Danny! I'm really looking forward to see you tomorrow. Who knows, it might be fun!~"

Dan tore his gaze from Arin and placed his head in his right hand, resting his elbow on the armrest of the couch.

As Arin closed the door behind him, Dan found his voice.

"F-Fucking tease..."

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