Last Night

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"I'm telling you Ross, he was going to fuck me last night!"

"I'm not saying I don't believe you, but even so, what's the problem? You've wanted to get with him for years. Isn't this what you wanted?"

It was the next day and Dan and Ross were sitting down at a table eating some food that Ross has brought with him.

Dan didn't go home the previous night. He luckily had a change of clothes stashed away in the building. He hardly slept but he wouldn't let anyone know that.

"I don't know, it just didn't feel like something that Arin would do. The whole situation just felt, off. Don't get me wrong, I definitely would've said yes but I could tell there was something else going on behind the scenes."

"Yeah you're right, I never thought Arin would pull something like that and then change his mind in the middle of it."

Suddenly a huge shit eating grin spread across Ross' face.


Ross started to laugh to himself.

"What is it you little shit?"

"You're such a fucking bottom."

"Oh you little-!"

Dan swung his arm across the table but Ross managed to scoot away just in time so he didn't get hit.

While Dan was trying to attack Ross, Arin had quietly let himself in.

He didn't gain the attention from the two men acting like boys until he closed the door behind him.

Dan and Ross both looked over at the man standing at the door. Arin has his head angled down to a point where they couldn't see the top half of his face. The negative energy radiating off of him caused Dan's smile to falter and his expression to soften. Ross took this as a chance to quickly and quietly side step out of the room.


A sniff could be heard between Arin's shaky breathing. Dan rushed to his side and gently placed his left hand under Arin's chin and slowly lifted up his head. He moved his hair aside with his right hand and he could clearly see his red puffy eyes and tear stained face. The shaking boy made eye contact with Dan for a second but quickly looked at anything but him. This sight broke Dan's heart.

"Arin...what's wrong???"

"Dan I...I'm so sorry..."

More tears started to fall from Arin's face and Dan pulled him into a very tight hug, but not too tight to where he would hurt him.

"Shhh, Arin please don't cry! What are you sorry for?"

"Last...last night. I'm so sorry...I don't k-know what got into m-me last night. Please don't hate me!"

Dan squeezes him tighter and stated to stroke Arin's hair.

"Oh Arin, I'm not angry let alone upset about that."

Arin loosened up and his grip wasn't as tight.

"You're not...?"

Dan pulled away slightly to where they were both facing each other, with one hand still wrapped around Arin and the other cupping his face.

"Of course not! I could never possibly hate you!"

Arin gazed lovingly into Dan's eyes, new tears forming into his eyelids, this time with a huge smile on this face.

Dan's heart ached in many different ways. Pain, because it hurt him to see the man he's had a crush on ever since they met crying, let alone upset. Love, because Arin has shown him signs of liking him back after all this time. Fear, of not knowing where these two are going or where they'll end up, and so many more emotions that he wasn't quite sure he could read.

He's not used to this much raw emotion from Arin and himself.

Arin's facial expression quickly changed to one of pain and anger. He flight himself off of Dan, but made sure that he didn't hurt him.

He balled his fists and brought them up to his face and yelled quietly to himself in frustration.

"God why am I so fucking stupid?! That's not how I wanted to do things at all!"

"Do what?"

Arin stayed silent for a few moments.

"Do what, Arin?

Still no reply.

"Arin, please answer me."

He threw his arms down and started to stare right into Dan's eyes, his anger slipping away once he say how scared and concerned he is.

"Dan, I'm sorry. I'm not mad at you, I'm mad at myself. Listen, I really, really, REALLY, like you...No...I love you! And I wanted to make a move by my dumbass self could only think of doing what I did last night and I know that if I started off any sort of relationship that we could potentially have that way..."

Tears started to prick at his eyes

"...well I would've never been able to forgive myself."

Dan took a step towards the other emotionally conflicted man in the room.


"It's true Dan! I would never have forgiven myself for putting you in a situation like that and then continued to take advantage of you in that position! That was sexual assault, oh god what have I done?! Dan, I'm so sorry!"

"Arin, it's okay! I forgive you! You don't have to be angry with yourself anymore!"

"Why Dan?!"

Dan blinked in surprise.

"I- what?"

"Why shouldn't I be mad at myself?! Better yet, why don't you hate me?!"

"Because I love you too!"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2020 ⏰

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