Chapter 8

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The next morning I was awaken by my father yelling at me to get up.

"I'm up! What do you want" I said as I sat up.

"Would you like to tell my why in gods name you flipped off the mayors son!?" he screamed.

"Sorry he was being a judgemental snob and wouldn't stop putting Tristan below him." I said.

"That does not give you a right to flip him off though! You could've told him to stop." He said and he was starting to get angry.

"Don't you think I've tried that. You judgemental snobs can't be told anything! You and mom are only letting me be with him so I'm happy. Face it you're totally disgusted with him and the fact we are together!" I said with tears rolling down my face. Knowing that nothing was right to say at the time my father just walked out of the room. I got up and got ready to go to the club because Tristan is supposed to be working today. I arrived at the club around 10:00 and it was already buzzing with little kids and teens whose heads are full of wishes. I found Tristan at the snackbar.

"Hey you." I said as I kissed his cheek.

"Hey. How are you today?" he said with a grin

"Pretty good considering Jay was at my house last night and I flipped him off." I said laughing

"You did what!?" He said clearly shocked that I had it in me to do that.

"He kept talking trash about you and I had enough so I flipped him off and then went to bed." I said shrugging like it was no big deal.

"Wow didn't know you had the guts to do that." He said. "Remind me not to get on your bad side" I laughed and walked over to the pool to tan. I had been tanning for about an hour before my sun was blocked. I looked up and saw Jay standing in front of me.

"Can I help you" I said annoyed with him.

"Do you think what you did last night was funny?" he said in a low angry voice.

"Yes actually I thought it was very funny that's why I did" I said with a smirk. He suddenly lunged forward and grabbed my arm.

"You think you're so big and brave because you have that little boy toy, but I can crush you like a bug." He said in my ear with venom dripping from every word.

"You're funny" I said as I brought my knee up to his groin. This caused him to fall backwards into the pool. "oops" escaped my mouth as I walked away.

"What did you do!?" Tristan said as he ran over to me.

"He got in my bubble and don't expect to get in my bubble unscaved" I said with a shrug. I looked back over to the pool and they just pulled Jay out. He looked as mad as a cat that just had a bath.

"Hey princess" he called "See you soon" and he walked out of the country club.

"Crap, what did I do." I groaned to myself.

"Hey guys like that are all bark and no bite" he said as he returned to work. I sure hope they are I thought.

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