Where the Magic Happens (Ep: 1)

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A couple of years ago, a dolphin and walrus couple named the Walters were sitting on the beach in their swimsuits. The dolphin had green eyes and silver hair that was tied into a ponytail. The walrus had blue eyes but didn't really have any hair. The walrus kissed his wife's cheek, but the dolphin still had an unhappy expression.

"Come on, Liz," the walrus said, "Cheer up."

"Ron, I know what you're trying to do," Liz replied. "It's not working."

"Just give me a smile."

"But... I always wanted a child, but... The doctors..."

"I know what they said. We'll get through this. I'm sure there's an orphanage we can adopt from." Ron and Liz nuzzled each other,with the dolphin feeling a little bit better.

"Thanks, Ronald. I'm glad I married you."

"No prob. Come on, let's go for a swim." The two dived into theocean. They swam out for about a mile until they popped their headsout of the water. The two splashed around a bit like teens until Liz heard something. "What's wrong?"

"Shh. It sounds like... A baby crying."

"A baby!?" The two swam to where the crying was coming from. Theyfound a basket floating in the sea, and inside was a baby wolf withsnow-white hair and fur. Her right eye was blue eye while the otherwas green. They quickly brought her back to shore and took a closerlook at the wolf. "Where did it come from?"

"I don't know." Liz took the wolf out of the basket and triedcradling it. "Shh. Quiet now. Stop crying, please." The cub's crying got quieter and quieter, once she stopped Ron held his finger out to the baby. It grabbed on and began gently sucking on it.

"It's kind of cute. And, isn't this what you wanted?"

Liz looked at her husband and back at the baby. "Well, we can't just leave it here."

The two had told the authorities and they chose to look after the wolf, which they named Lucy.

Whenthey got home, after purchasing a couple of baby products, Liz looked down at the baby. "Say hello to your new home, Lucy," Liz said.

Liz worked at the hospital as a nurse while Ron stayed at home with their new daughter. The first year passed by and Lucy grew up.

"Okay, Lucy," Liz said as she sat across the room from the wolf. "Come to mommy." Lucy stood up slowly and waddled toward the dolphinwho cried tears of joy. A few months later, Liz was making dinner as Lucy waddled into the room and tugged on her mother's skirt.

"Atags mf," Lucy said.

"Just a minute," Liz said as seasoned the meat.

"Pasamas ma. Ma... ma."

Liz stopped what she was doing and looked down at her daughter. "What did you say?"

Ron,who had followed Lucy into the kitchen picked her up. "Come on, Lucy," he said, "Say it again."

"Ma...ma," Lucy said slowly. "Mama."

Liz started tearing up again. "Oh, my gosh," Liz wept, "Her first word."

"That's great," Ron said. "Lucy, can you say 'dada?'"

"Da...Da," Lucy spoke. "Dada."

"That's my girl."

When Lucy was five years old, her parents took her to the beach to teach her how to swim. "Mommy, I'm scared," Lucy said.

"Don't be scared," Liz said. "You have your water wings. Plus, your father and I will save you if things go wrong."

Lucy the Wolf WitchWhere stories live. Discover now