My eyes slowly flickered open, everything was blurry. Everything was white, white, white as far as my eyes could see, white. I turned my head to the side, to see a teenage boy asleep on the chair next to my bed, you could hear his snores slightly.
He had light brown hair on point, you could see he's been crying, tears stained his cheeks. There were huge bags under her eyes, you could tell he hasn't had much sleep at all. I slowly turned my head back to the walls, blinking a few times.
I continued to look around, taking in my surroundings i let out a sigh when I realized where i was in a hospital. I held my arm up, shaking slightly and frowned when i saw a needle stuck inside my wrists, i hate needles. I never discovered why.
I tried hard to recall some memory of how i ended up here, but i failed. It was like my entire life have been erased and started again. I dont even know what my name is, or what my relationship is to this boy is, i don't remember anything at all.
So many questions came to my mind, how old am i? Who am i? Why am i here? Who bought me here? Who is this boy? All this thinking is putting my head in pain, like someone is stabbing me in the head making me scream out in pain.
This caused the boy to jolt awake, looking at me with teary eyes, "princess..?" He whispered looking at me like im a piece of meat and he was the animal.
He slowly approached me, as i held my head in pain. I silently whimper, and i held my head in my hands. The teenage boy, called a doctor and after a few seconds several people came in, in white through the door.
They attended me, held me down before pushing some liquid in my arm. The liquid made the pain slowly disappear, my breathing came to a normal breathing as i was slowly calming down.
"Is that better?" One of the nurses asked, and i gave her a little nod. The nurses whisper to one another before leaving, and one stayed with the boy from earlier.
"Thank god, she opened her eyes" said the teenage boy, putting his head in his hands, in relief. I turned my head to look at her, his eyes showed relief and happiness. Although i have no clue who he is, i could tell he cared about me, a lot. I must mean something to him, wondering what i am to him, brother?
"Its a miracle she has opened her eyes, after 2 months" the doctor said while kneeing down to the boy. Then began to scribble things on her clipboard.
Two months? Ive been here for two months? I cant even remember how i ended up here? I dont even how they bought me here.
The boy studied me as he looked at me with tired eyes. "Do you think i can take her out before saturday?" Causing the doctor to look up at me.
"If i see no problems with her, she's free to go in two days" the doctor says as he walks up to me. I blinked as i stared directly at him. "How are you feeling?" The doctor says.
"I-i don't know" I told him honestly, he started writing down on his clip board while nodding, "why am i here?"
"You were in a car crash two months ago and you were in a comatose state until a few minutes ago, till you woke up" he says, i nodded trying to take in all the information. "Can you recall what happened the night of the crash?"
I blinked a few times, i began to play with my thumbs, I couldn't even remember my own name, how can I remember the night of the crash what happened two months ago?
"I- i can't remember.." I answered slowly, and looked up at him nervously. He scribbled on his clipboard again, "I honestly can't remember anything, i dont even know my own name.." This caused him to stop writing, he looked at me with a shocked expression on his face.
"You don't remember your own name?" He repeated, waiting for my reply, causing the boy on the chair eyes to widen. He approached me, then looked at me in the eyes, taking my pale hand into hers. His eyes saddened, and j wanted to know, why she seemed so sad. I dont like seeing people sad, it hurts me knowing their not happy.
"You don't remember me baby?" He whispered, tears reaching my eyes. I really didnt want her to cry, i dont like seeing people sad so i wrapped my arms around him and pulled him close. He seemed confused about my reactions, and he began to sob harder.
"Im so so sorry, but i dont know who you are, but please dont be sad" i tell him, making him sob more. The doctor moved her slowly sympathetically, slowly began to comfort him, I watched as he pulled him into the side room, far across from me. I tried not to listen to their conversation, but they made it hard not too.
"She has retrograde amnesia, luke. She can't even remember her name, its a really serious matter" she says. Holding this luke boy by the shoulders. She turned her head to look at me, i gave her a small weak smile. "Please don't tell her anything, she might not be able to handle, dont force her to remember, let her remember at her own pace, it would be better if you tell her anything traumatic, for example, what happened with..."