New student.

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"Hey, (y/n) are you listening?" The teacher shouted, staring at me. I wasn't particularly interested in anything of what she was teaching. I let out a sigh and faced her "yes, ma'am" I say letting out a small grunt.
The teacher continued her lesson, as soon as she was about to yell at me for not paying attention again, a sudden knock was heard.
The door opened, it remained a man with dark blue greenish hair. With a black and gray stripped hat, I could barely see his face since his hat was covering most of it.
He wore his school uniform, just as any other guy at our school would. His book bag was...from Danganronpa, I assume?
I've seen and heard about Danganronpa, I was interested in it though I've never seen a student here who actually enjoys it.

The male started fidgeting and nervously stood up, his posture was very unsettling.
"Oh, right we have a new student today, could you kindly introduce yourself?" Mrs. Jenny said kindly, putting her hand on his shoulder.
"R-right, uhm...I'm Shuichi Saihara, and i enjoy Danganronpa." He smiled nervously.
"Ew, weirdo alert, imagine liking Danganronpa, you're such a loser!" One of the teens yelled, busting out a laughter.
Yeah, total asshole, the other teens started making disgusted faces. It was annoying, only a couple of people liked anime in my school.
"That's enough. Treat him with respect, Shuichi you may sit wherever you like." Jenny gave a slight smile and let go of his shoulder.
"Alright" he mumbled out, starting to walk slowly and sat on the seat that was right in front of me. I didn't mind though, I for one enjoy anime and have my interest in Danganronpa.

Time skipped to lunch time.》

Lunch time began and I was pretty tired of listening to the teachers go on about their lessons. Not that I had a choice though, my parents would kill me if I don't graduate.
As I was walking to the lunch ladies to get my food, I saw the dark blue haired male sitting alone while eating his food.
"poor guy..." I whispered to myself, looking closely, I started noticing he was hugging a white and half black bear.
Monokuma? Was the bear name?
"(y/n)! Earth to (y/n)!!"
Spacing out, I snapped back to reality and look at my friend, his name was Jake.
"Jeez, your food will get cold if you keep spacing out too much."
"sorry, I'm just thinking too much."
Jake let out a sigh and walked at a sit and proceeded to gesture his hand to give me a sign to sit next to him.
When i was about to sit next to him, I looked back at Shuichi, noticing he was staring at me.
He notices I caught him and quickly turned away, clearly nervous and embarrassed.
"Jake, I'm gonna go hang out with someone else, I want to make new friends!"
"huh? okay, just don't hang out with trouble makers."
"Okay 'brother' "
I say sarcastically, walking away from him and look at Shuichi, smiling gently.
"Hey, you're Shuichi, right? I'm (y/n), is that seat taken?" I question, pointing at the seat next to him.
Shuichi lowered his hat to cover up more of his face.
"no, it's n-not."
Sitting next to him, I look at the Monokuma bear he was holding onto tightly.
"Danganronpa, you said you enjoy that right?" I say, trying to start up a conversation. I'm not the best at conversations, my anxiety would just spike up.
"yeah! it's the best! Who's your favorite character? Which death do you think was the saddest? Do you like Monokuma? Would you have killed someone if you were in such an amazing game??"
He started to become happy, like a puppy getting a treat. I found it adorable, but he was overwhelming me with questions.
"W-wait, that's too many questions, one at a time please"
I let out a small giggle, the boy blushed, he was embarrassed again and apologized.

we talked for a while until lunch break ended, we didn't see each other until school was done.》

"so how was talking to that loner guy?" Jake asked, putting his arm around my neck.
"It was fun, he's really kind, just a bit awkward but when isn't that the case for most people?" I smile, he was genuinely sweet, he's just a little anxious kitten.
"Doesn't he like that, one thing? What's it called...Ah! Danganronpa? Was it?"
I gave him a quick nod, as we we're walking out of the school entrance.
"Doesn't that have...murder in it? Wouldn't a psycho like those type of things?"
I let out a annoyed sigh, he's always been this way which I find incredibly irritating.
"Look. I don't know if you have a problem with me hanging out with a new guy or whatever, but I really hate that you're judging someone quickly just because of what they enjoy."
I snapped at him, he was getting on my nerves, thinking that Shuichi was some serial killer or crazy person.
"hm, but you've only meet him today and it already sounds like you've been together for years."
"That's not it-"
I cut myself off as seeing Shuichi walking by himself.
"HEY SHUICHI !" I yell out and ran towards him, he looked behind and saw me.
"O-oh hi (y/n)" the male was completely shocked I was with him.
" you need anything?" He asked, putting his phone away.
"No, I just want to walk you home"
Shuichi immediately looked away, covering his face with his hat.
"t-thank you but I wouldn't want to trouble you."
"no I insist, besides I wanna get to know you better!"
He was clearly flustered, but nodding and we started walking.

《Few minutes passed and we had a long conversation.》

"We're here, uhm...thank you for taking time out of your day to walk me home.."
He slightly smiled, still covering his face but I didn't mind.
"of course! In fact, I'd like to walk you home everyday now if that's alright with you?"

𝐎𝐝𝐝 𝐎𝐛𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 - 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐠𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐬𝐡𝐮𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐢 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now