Fake Date.

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《 Shuichi's Pov. 》

"Kokichi, what happened to them?!"
I practically shouted at the purple short male, nearly in a panic.
"C-calm down..! (y/-...(y/n) told me to tell you that they're worried if you're upset with them.."
Angry, I tried calming myself down and punching Kokichi by the arm.
"Don't scare me like that! god...hm, well I am upset, why doesn't (y/n) want to be in a killing game? I mean, making a completely confusing murder would be interesting. "
I feel myself get excited and smile, thinking about other ways to commit a mystery murder.
"somethings..really wrong with you..but do you w-want me to tell her you're upse--"
"Obviously not. I have to keep up this act, she already enjoys most of my interest expect for joining in the killing game."
"okay..you should talk to them, before you worry-"
"Speaking of (y/n), are they still in school?"
"well..y-yes but--"
"Okay, thanks, I'll go look for them, bye."

《 Third person pov. 》

The tall male started running around the school, searching for (y/n). After almost checking all of the rooms, shuichi finally found them and opened the door.
"(Y/n)! There you are, i was looking for you-.."
He stopped himself, seeing that kokichi was hugging them whilst rantaro was next to kokichi as well. Although he felt a bit terrible, he knew better than to be an asshole to anyone in front of (y/n). Letting out a sigh, he forced himself to smile as (y/n) looked up seeing shuichi.
"Hey shuichi, uhm...kokichi do you mind?"
They said, softly giggling as the purple short male let lose of (y/n). Walking towards the taller male, gaining a huge hug from (y/n).
"look if i upset you, I'm sorry..you're such a sweet person and I wouldn't want to lose you, so can you forgive me?"
Shuichi felt himself getting a bit happy, not only that but pleasure from feeling affection from (y/n). He tried his best to control himself and hugged them back, tightening his grip on them.
"o-of course I forgive you..I-I meant what I said.."
The avocado male stood up and gently pushed shuichi and (y/n) apart, looking down at (y/n) with a warm smile.
"would you like to talk? outside? I have something I've been meaning to tell you."
"Actually, I have something to tell them."
"Oh? It'll take only a minute!"
Rantaro quickly smirked and took (y/n)'s hand, walking away from the classroom. Defeated, shuichi glared at rantaro the whole time while kokichi was staring at him.
"h...hey shuichi..do you hate me?"
"huh? no I don't, why are you asking that?"
"oh..! I was just, worried that's all."
Humming was heard and the avocado male came in the classroom, closing the door behind him. There was no sight of (y/n) anywhere, shuichi kept looking around clutching his fists.
"What happened to (y/n)."
"Hmmm~ ohh nothing~ just told her about what you do"
"You...YOU WHAT..?!"
As the blue tall male was about to just leave to chase (y/n), a sudden thud was heard. Rantaro grabbing both shuichi's wrists, glaring at him.
"(Y/n) was soon to found out about your dirty secrets anyway."
Letting out a gasp, rantaro threw shuichi to the ground and kicked him in the stomach. Coughing up blood, shuichi groaned in pain, feeling his blood rush through his body seemingly enjoying the pain.
"You're a disgusting human being, and enjoy any pain inflicted on you or others."
"You're crazy you know that? I'm not some masochist, so I stalked (y/n), that doesn't mean I enjoy suffering."
Shuichi giggled, covering his mouth while blood was still being coughed up. With a face looking disgusted, rantaro walked out of the classroom as kokichi was still standing there.
"a-are you okay? Do you need me to call an ambulance?"
"Hmm...no, I'll be fine-"
A sharp pain was felt in shuichi's stomach, he stood up and tried to get a hold of himself. Kokichi, still worried, grabbed shuichi's hand and ran to the nurse's office.

《 next day of school. 》

"Kokichi, is shuichi alright?"
(Y/n) asked, their expression changed into a concerned one. Kokichi looking up at them, smiling.
"yeah, he's fine, but what did rantaro tell you? Shuichi was extremely worried."
(Y/n) leaned closer, placing their hands on kokichi's shoulders. The purple short male quickly blushed and stood up as best he could.
"he asked me out."
They whispered and let go of kokichi, backing away from him.
"He- he asked you out!?"
Kokichi shouted, enough for a couple of students to overhear. (y/n) put one of their hands on kokichi's month, trying to shush him.
"yeah, but I'm not sure if I want to date him, he's cute but..I've never been in a romantic relationship before."
"Hm..why not try it with someone you're comfortable with? You know like a role-play type of date?"
"yeah! You're right, maybe i should try it with shuichi."
Kokichi, nervously fidgeting, realized how horrible of a person Rantaro was. He would always go out with any girls he can, and take any sort of advantage of them.
The short male shouted at (y/n) as they were leaving, they stopped and looked up at kokichi.
"w..why not give shuichi a chance..? y-you know- like an actual date!"

[[ I'm so sorry for not updating, I've been having lack of motivation to write lol. ]]

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