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As there was a car parked in the parking-lot, a slim/feminine also short around 5'7 guy with Snow White, cherry red hair which was split perfectly in the middle, with ocean blue, and dull grey eyes and have a scar over his right eyes, opened his car door to look at the tall buildings that is in front of him. And his name is shouto todoroki

As he looked at the building in front of him and saw a little girl running up to him that has her hair in a ponytail, blond hair that fade a peach type color, big crimson red eyes, and has two teeth like fang type, she's wearing a dress that is white and black leggings (slid the video and she's the last one also sorry I draw her it's not that good because I'm so used to paper and this is my first digital art also sorry again for this long ass thingyyy sorry on to the story). As she was running up to the man that is called shouto, she was excited?

"Hi my name is hime bakugou and I'm 6 years old, what's your name" she said with a big smile on her face
"Hello hime my name is shouto todoroki and I'm 21 years old, also what are you doing running up to strangers?" He said with a monotone like voice because he never had any experience with talking to little kids.
"O-oh I'm sorry I just saw you looking at the apartment and I decide to talk to you" she said with a hint of sad in her voice.
"I should address you not to talk to strangers because you don't know what they are going to do to you" shouto said with no emotions.
"S-sorry" hime said with a bow.
"It's okay, you should go back to your mother or father because they might be worried about you" he said will opening his trunk and getting box's out to carry into his new home.
"Father is to busy to talk to me because he has a job to do" she said while fiddling with her fingers and sadness in her voice.
"Oh really, well you should have someone take care of you like your mother or other family members" he tried to sound soft but it ended turning serious and monotone as ever.
"I don't have a mother but there was this boy at our apartment and he would always take care of me and he always kiss my dad until he started to get yelled at my dad and I never seen Him again" she said.
As todoroki got some boxes he started to walk and trying to process from what the little girl had said to him.
'So I'm guessing her father is gay and dated a guy and it didn't seem to work out or something so they called it off" was what the peppermint boy thought.
As they where talking they went Inside the building together.

As they walked inside they saw a lady with black hair that is tied up in a pony tail.
Soon she looked at the peppermint hair boy and the little girl beside him, after she saw the little girl she spoke up.
"Hey hime, can you explain to me why are you with this man or do you know him?"
She said looking worried and glared at the man.
"Hi auntie momo, this a sho and I just met him outside" she said with a smile.
"Hello my name is shouto todoroki and as you can see this little girl came up to me and started to talk to me, and I dont even know her, but I seem you know her so can you watch over her until her parents pick her up?" He said with a monotone voice.
"Ah yes and did you said shouto todoroki if so your apartment key is right here" as she said that she look in the drawers to get out the key for shouto, and hands it to shouto, "and thank you for looking out for her" she said with a smile." Also your on the top floor".
"Oh can I come with you sho, because my daddy is on the top floor" she smiled.
"Um I guess so"  shouto said well walking to the elevator and clicked the button for the top floor.
As they stand there talking in the elevator it came to a stop with a ding, as the ding stopped to door slides opened for the two people in the elevator to stepped out.
As todoroki started to walk he stopped and looked at the number on the door and stopped when he saw his number. Soon he no longer saw the girl in his sight he thought that she must have ran back to her own room. Until I looked behind me she was standing with a big smile on her face.
"Are you going back to your apartment?"
Shouto said with a bit of concern in his voice also thinking 'why would she even be following a guy that she just met?'
"I want to come into your apartment please" she said with puppy eyes that no one can resist. Well except for shouto because he so used to it when his siblings did that to him.
"If I do then would you leave me alone?"
"I can guarantee you I will not leave you alone because I like you and you'll be my husband" hime said that as she hugged his leg.
Shouto was surprise because a little girl just said that she want him to be his husband and he thought that he should loosen up a bit because he's not at his fathers house and it's just a little.
That's when shouto started to laugh and that brought a blush on the little girls face.
"So you want me to be your husband huh" he said while chuckling and a hand over his mouth

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