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As he read that his heart melted but burns because he just saw his daughter run out crying.
He then unwrap the present and saw a-

-little bear with a box of chocolate hearts with a drawing of him and her with the other guy that he yelled at yesterday holding hands, and some other stuff that his daughter had got him.
He then put down the gift and ran out the door looking around until he stopped at a certain door and knocked on it waiting patiently

And I was done making tea, the door suddenly opened up and hime ran in crying, as she came in crying she saw me and hugged me, she tried to talk to me but I didn't understand her because she was sobbing and hiccups between each words in her sentence.
As she was crying my heart dropped because her eyes begin to puff up until I heard a knock at the door.
"COMING JUST GIVE ME A SECOND" I yelled trying to calm down hime.
"Hime calm okay you wait here I'll be back I just need to get the door" I said
As I walked towards the door I opened it, than there standing by my door way is none other then...

I stopped at a door...it was Mina apartment, so I knocked on it and waited there, then I heard someone yell from the other side of the door saying "HOLD UP, WAIT FOR A SEC"
Then I waited for what felt like hours then she finally opened the door.
At the door was a girl with pink hair that was messy and sun yellow eyes color, that was short with what looks like pajamas on?
Then I felt a bump on my back then I looked back to see who bumped me, it was a guy almost as tall as me little bit short but not that short, messy curly greenette hair, green emerald eyes with a little bit of freckles, well built body, over all seem pretty nice for a guy, he then looked at me.
He then raise his hand and put it on the back on his neck and lean forward a little bit and apologizing to me, I then shook it off because he seem friendly then he waved off walking away. As I walk away Mina speaks.
"Hey bakugo is he new guy around here, because I never seen him here" Mina said confused and curious.
"I don't know but I did seen the new guy and that's not him..." I said looking away from the guy to Mina.
"Oh...anyways what do you need something bakugo" she said raising one eyebrow up.
"Yeah the thing is-" I was going to tell her something until I heard yelling. I then looked at where the yelling was.

Then other my ex boyfriend....midoriya, I thought I would never see him but damn, that's why I moved to get away from him because he's abusive, a player, he gave me so many insecurities and more...
Todoroki then stiffness up thinks what to do or say like, 'should I yell at him...but if I do then hime is going to cry or something but I don't want him here or I could also slam the door and lock it and call the front office...'

"I looked everywhere for you when I came home but you weren't anywhere so I called your family but they said they don't know and why the HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE AT THIS APARTMENT HUH?!" He yells at shoto.

I look at him in disbelief " I FREAKING LEFT YOU BECAUSE UR CHEAP A-HOLE CHEATED ON ME THEN ABUSED ME" I shouted at him.
"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN!" He yelled shouts at me.
"DONT ACT DUMB YOU KNOW VERY WELL YOU USED TO ABUSE ME, CHEAT ON ME, YOU MAKE ME FEEL VERY INSECURE AND MORE SHi-" I then covered my mouth because hime was still in the room too suddenly It felt like everything went blurry so I then looked back at a very scared/crying hime shacking with fear.
I tried to ran to hime so I can grabbed her covering her with my own body, as midoriya my ex was behind me yelling, I then got up ran and was carrying hime with me out the door well midoriya was right behind me


I was running carrying hime in my arms but then I stop hearing my ex yelling so I stopped but then hime told me to keep running because she was scared, so I was about to run when I heard a girl screaming stop, so I look back then see hime father hiding my ex over and over then police came running in stopping hime father.

I heard yelling so I looked to my left side to see hime crying and the half and half carrying her then I see the same guy before...then he passed me and I see both of them crying. Nobody mess with my hime. When the greenette
was about to pass me I knocked him out cooled, but that's not going to stop me from hitting him, so I got on top of him and punch him in the face multiple time until I heard Mina shouting stop. Just as I was about to get up I got knocked down, then I hear "SIR YOU ARE UNDER ARREST" then he puts hand cuffs on me fucking tight. Then I see
that...deku?...person getting help from the police.

I then looked at hime and she was crying more, "hey sweetie I'm sorry about the present, please don't cry, stay strong for me Remember, I'll come back daddy needs to do something okay" I then see a nod from her then I smiled so that made me smile I then look at that half and half standing there was another bruise on his face....tch I don't care. "Hey you half and half" I then see him point at him self saying "me..." geez "yeah you, I sure hime wants to stay with you, so take care off her" then the police pulls me up as I groan in pain "fuck..."

"Bye daddy..."

Damn when was the last time I posted. Sorry it's just that school is getting on my nerves and I can barely go on my phone but know I can soo seee uuuuu next episodeee

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2020 ⏰

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