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Shouto changed into new clothes which is a black turtle neck, and grey sweatpants with a cup of tea in his hand

Shouto heard a knock on his door again thinking that ash blond hair man is ready to beat him up or expecting a police officer, as shouto was thinking who that might be he suddenly heard a voice and recognize the voice immediately.
It was hime, "sho are you up?" Shouto then smiled to himself, even what happened last night her father still let her come. Shouto put his cup of tea on the counter as walked towards the door to opened it for hime.
When Shouto opened the door he was greeted by a hug from hime and a hug smile on her face.
"SHO YOUR AWAKE" Hime said letting go of Shouto.
Shouto then chuckled to himself and said "yes hime I'm awake".
"Sho can we go to the park" Hime said jumping up and down excited.
"Sure but you have to ask your father first because we don't want it to happen like last time okay" shouto said while smiling.
"I'm sorry, it was all my fault" Hime smile turn into a frown, then started to tear up.
Shouto then kneels down to her height and puts his left hand on her cheeks wiping off the tear coming down.

"Hey don't cry okay hime and don't worry it isn't your fault it's mine for being such a Baka" shouto said laughing at the end because of what he had said

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"Hey don't cry okay hime and don't worry it isn't your fault it's mine for being such a Baka" shouto said laughing at the end because of what he had said.
Hime then laughs along with shoutobabe "BAKA" she giggles.
"But I don't want to talk to my daddy" Hime said while fiddling with her fingers so.
"Why is that" shouto said with concern.
"Yesterday after what happened I went back to the apartment and went to my room then soon my daddy came in and tried to talk to me but I stayed quiet and decided not to listen to him because I was still mad and I told him to get out and he did, but this morning he didn't say anything to me, all he did was just cooked and left to his office" she said while looking very sad.
Todoroki then stand up and started to think of something. Then he came up with an idea. Suddenly todoroki back down to hime height.
"Hey hime you want to apologize to your dad right?" Hime the nodded her head,
"Well I was thinking that we should go to the mall, but you have to write a note somewhere he will notice okay" todoroki said with a smile. Hime eyes then brighten up quickly. "OKAY" she then ran off back to her apartment while shouto go's through his boxes to find a black and white striped turtleneck with a black jacket which is unbutton, ripped blue jeans, and let me tell you it shows his curves.
Hime then came back and they where ready to go to the mall.

Time skipped to the mall
Todoroki and Hime where looking around in the store because Hime saw some dresses she likes so todoroki decided to get her some.
right now todoroki is waiting for hime to show him the dresses she picked out, as todoroki waits a boy came up to him.
He had black hair that is slicked back, and light blue eyes, well built body, honey like skin color, great jawline, overall all the boys and girl will fall over heals for him.
But for todoroki he thought the opposite of him. Then he suddenly Spoke up.
"Hey what's a little cutie doing here all alone" he said trying to get all touchy touchy.
"In matter a fact im not alone" todoroki then push him away.
"Oh I'm guessing your boyfriend, whatever just ditch him because you have someone like me" he then pulled back todoroki.
"I don't have a boyfriend I'm here with-"
Shouto then got cut off when hime came in with a beautiful dress on.
"Sho what do you th- huh?" Hime the got confused when she saw another guy with shouto.
Todoroki then pulled away from the man that he doesn't even know and walked over to hime.
"I mean if you don't mind taking care of a kid all day will be fine" shouto smirk when he see the guys face scoffs and walks away. Shouto then sighs and looked back at hime.
"Your a life saver hime" shouto said with a smile.
"Sho you like the dress" Hime the said kind starting Shouto a bit but still kept his composure.
"It's beautiful hime how about we go pick out a apology present for your father Shall we" shouto said.
Hime then nodded and went back to the changing room to change out of her dress that todoroki is going to buy with some others.
Time skipped back home
"Okay hime bring it to your daddy okay" shouto said putting on the ribbon and handing its to hime for her to take for her father as apologizes present.
"Alright but can you come with me because I'm scared that he might not like it or -" she then got cut off from shouto.
"Hime dear don't worry your father will like it and I'm sure of it, you don't need me because your a big girl okay" shouto then opened the door for the little girl.
Hime then looked at shouto saying "your sure" she said.
"Yes now go give it to him" shouto said a with a big smile that he never showed anyone before.
"Okay then" Hime then Ran out the door with bags of dresses and the gift she got for her father back to her apartment.
Shouto then stood there watching hime run to her apartment but then shouto then thought why he smile because no one ever seen him smile, hell not even his own family. Then shouto closed the door, to go and make some tea for himself.

With hime
As hime had bags of dresses that shouto her husband had bought her she came upon to her apartment. As she grabbed to door knob she opened it slowly and peeked her head in and scanned the room then Stopped when she sees her father sitting on the table with two plates on each side of the table.
Then she opens the door, then she walkd up to her father and said "dad"
Then her father looked at his little girl and sees her with 6 bags filled, what he assume is cloths.
"Where did you get those hime" he said as his eyebrows went up.
"Oh these shouto bought them for me and there really pretty dresses" hime said excitedly
"So that who you were with" he said Low so his daughter wouldn't hear but she did.
"Dad..." Hime then looked down
Bakugou has his full attention towards her, "what"
"Me and shouto went to the mall and-" she said pulling out something in the bag  until she got cut off from her father
Tears started to pricked up and she quickly handed him the present that she got for him.
"I-I LEFT THE NOTE ON THE FRIDGE IM SORRY DAD" she then ran out of the apartment.
"WAIT HIME" he said holding the wrapped up present in his hand. As he saw his little girl ran out the door he looked at the present in his hand then saw a little note on so he quickly opened it and it said:
Dear daddy

Right now sho is helping me spelling and I just wanted to tell you that I'm sorry for making you sad I was just mad so I got you something or an apology letter.

As he read that his heart melted but burns because he just saw his daughter run out crying.
He then unwrap the present and saw a-

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