Chapter 1

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The elderly man looked around, the farmland was so big he wondered if he would be able to find the young angel.

"Taehyung-ah!" He flew around to cover ground quickly. A soft sniffling caught his ears and he followed the sound that led him towards the giant tree that sat in the middle of the field. The Spirit Tree was their most profound tree. There were only five of them and they were lucky enough to one grow in their backyard. The boy was such a pure soul, he wasn't surprised that he was drawn to this tree.

He placed his hand on the mixed beige and brown color bark before looking up at the dark purple leaves that covered the tree.

"Taehyung-ah, are you up there?"

"Yes," The young angel answered.

"Why? Your fathers are looking for you. You have a big day ahead of you."

"Tell them I'm not going!" With a huff he folded his arms.

The elder angel flew up and sat on a branch. "Why not? Chunsan is the main city and there's so many more opportunities than here."

The young angel used the sleeve of his shirt to wipe his tears. "But I'm a good farmer, all the animals love me, even the plants love me! Why do I have to go there?" He pouted.

"You can always visit when you want to, you know that Taehyung-ah, but you must go. Your father worked hard to get this job so you can go to a better school."

"The snobby angels live there." He mumbled.

The elderly angel chuckled. "Well that's all they know, they are taught they are better so therefore they can be a bit snobbish. But all the more reasons for you to go there and show them some countryside hospitality."

Taehyung looked at his grandfather. "The Spirit Tree was telling me I had to go and I got sad so I cried. It told me someone needed me there."

"Hoo~Interesting...maybe your soulmate is there."

The young angel grimaced and stuck his tongue out. "Gross! I'm only in middle school, I don't want a soulmate!"

The elderly angel laughed. "You're so lovely."


"Over here Yejun."

"Abeoji, what are you doing up there? Taehyung? What are you doing there too?"

"We were just having a nice conversation about his move to Chunsan."

"Speaking of, we must go soon so please finish packing Taehyungie,"

He sighed deeply, dropping his head. "Ok," He flew down from the tree and headed towards the house.

"I'll make sure he comes visits you guys, I know this place is his sanctuary."

The elderly angel flew down from the tree and landed in front of his son.

"It's ok, eventually he will find something or someone more interesting than this old farmland. We're not going anywhere so he has all the time to visit."

Yejun smiled and nodded.


As soon as he finished packing he and his fathers go ready to leave the countryside and head towards Chunsan. His father rented private transportation. As they loaded the luggage onto the Chariot Taehyung petted the lavender Pegasus. With one last goodbye Taehyung hugged his grandparents and they were off.

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