❧ 1 || Art Department

349 10 4

"I'm art blocked"


You nodded to yourself while looking at the painting before you. Your friends that have been sketching the landscape for a while turn her head toward you in a disbelief manner after finish hearing what you said.

"Are you kidding me? [Y/N]! you can't just art blocking in the middle of work like this!"

"That's what I've always told myself." You sighed and lean yourself back to nothing, staring up to the ceiling, you may appear calm right now, but you know yourself better than anyone, the pang in your chest is getting more painful each minute. You are in distress.

If it's just a normal artwork, you wouldn't be like this, or so you thought. But it isn't, you're trying to work for an exhibition that your school, Inarizaki high is the holder. the Paint of God exhibition.

This exhibition is only held for once in a year or two. It's the greatest time for the students of the art department, they will work on the most beautiful and fascinating art they ever have done, whether it's painting or crafting, it'll be accepted, then get showed in there for a whole week. All of the authorities in this line of career will gather around to admire the artworks and make a connection with any students that makes a good impression on them.

The great opportunities easily lie ahead.

Only if you weren't art blocked.

"You better be joking, the deadline is only in five months and you already art blocked? The god must hate you, yesterday you just got your ass out of burnout syndrome, and now this? I can't believe it."

"Me neither. What a painful challenge to cope."

"So what're you gonna do with that landscape?" She points at your current work, it's a Hyogo landscape from this building's point of view, only half of it is painted with colors, while the other half is a messy sketch.

"Throw away, duh." You stretch your arms and let out a long sigh. "or maybe just leave it inside the storage like my other unfinished projects."

"Your pile of art? Oh my god girl, is it gonna fit? I bet your little workshop has no space anymore"

"Don't say like I have a billion of canvas in there!" You playfully snarl at her, she laughs her lungs out while slapping the table continuously. "But... Indeed, it's a lot. Maybe I'm not worth enough to be an artist, y' know; too moody and easily dejected."

"Wow, wow, you're gonna say that now? You're talented baby, the mood is one thing but your skills can't be denied because of that."

"Yeah, my moody ass causes a lot of unfinished work too."

"That's because you're quite a perfectionist, you always want to do the best, when something is slightly wrong you will yeet that shit away."

"Ouch," You fake your hurt noise while gathering all of the paintbrushes in your hands, ready to wash the color off. "But for real though, I don't want to paint a simple landscape anymore, or an abstract art I always do. I need to draw a portrait or something like that."

"Sounds challenging, maybe you can do that." She says while collecting her stuff and her canvas. "But since you're art blocked, I think you need to do something about it before starting to paint."

"Of course, maybe I can study anatomy and posture, and... I'm not sure that it'll lit my fire up enough to draw though. Maybe I need to be inspired by other things than just extend my knowledge in the drawing."

"Hm," she hums, acknowledging your words.

"Like, I've been doing the same thing the past few months and it drains me. I love my comfort zone but it's so tiresome, I need to do new stuff."

❧ Paint of God || Yandere!Atsumu x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now