Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

We get into the house and Ethan still holding my hand and doesn't seem to want to let go. I feel like this where I should be.

When we get in the house, I couldn't help but be wowed. It was beautiful and big, there was a grand staircase that was painted gold, the floor was shining white, and there was a beautiful chandler hanging high above our heads.

Ethan pulls me to a room off to the side, where there is white carpet with a black couch and matching love seat and chairs. He pulls me to the black leather couch that is sitting directly in front a big screen T.V.

Ethan is the first to break the silence after sitting there for 2 minutes. "Would you like to watch a movie?" I smile and nod. He get up and puts in Cinderlla, because it's cassie favorite movie, he comes to the couch and pulls me to him. I blush but scoot closer to him, and Cassie is on the floor in front of us in a big pink bean bag chair. 

At one point I must of fell asleep, cause I feel someone lift me up, then I am put down on a bed that feels like clouds, then a door close. Being to tired to care I let the darkness take me over.

All I see is white, nothing else in the room.  After wondering around, I hear a soft cry. I turn around and there is a women with blonde hair like mine. I walk up to her, and pat her back the women turns around quickly. It was my mother she looked at me with such sadness and anger.

"You did this, you killed her. You stupid little b**ch, I wish you were never born. Why couldn't you die instead of her? You are the one that should of died. It doesn't matter now, cause you are going to die. Goodbye Elizabeth." Tears are rolling down my face begging for my life, she pulls out a gun. I squeeze my eyes shut. Then when I hear the trigger being pulled I scream.

"Elizabeth! Hey it's ok. Shhh. Nobody is going to hurt you." I look up and squint my eyes to see Ethan sitting on the edge of the bed. I scoot closer to him and hug him and cry until there was no tears left.

Ethan started getting up, when I grabbed his hand "Can you please stay? I don't want to be alone." I asked and my voice cracks a little. He nods and lays down on the bed next to me. I turn to the wall, facing away from Ethan.I felt a hand on my waist and it pulls me till I hit something hard, I turn around to see Ethan right behind me. It felt so right with him, I turn around so I am facing him.

He kiss my forehead "Goodnight."

"Goodnight Ethan."

For the very first time I gladly let sleep take over, feeling safe and wanted.


I woke up in a room that I didn't recognize. I start to freak out a little bit, I try to get up but there was something pulling me back down. And someone mumble beside me, I look over and freeze.

Then what happen yesterday and last night came back to me. I smile then lay back down and cuddle with him.

BAM!!! We both shot up and ran downstairs to see what the noise was. We went to the kitchen to find cassie with a tear rolling down her cheek and a big pan on the ground in front of her with what looks like eggs on the floor.

"Hey baby girl, what happen?" Ethan asked calmly. She sobbed a little harder"I wanted to make you and my new mommy breakfast."

I don't know what to think. I am just shocked. Ethan picks her up and sits her on his lap hugging her to his chest. "No baby, she is not your mommy okay? Remember, we don't need a mommy cause we only need each other." She shakes her head furiously "No, I want Lizzy to be my mommy. Everyone else has mommy's and I want one. And I like Lizzy." She says with tears rolling down her bright red puffy cheek. I couldn't help but feel heart broken, The slut disowned her daughter, which I don't see how anyone can. Now Cassie is left without a mom cause of selfish reason.

Ethan shakes his head. " I know baby I know. Shh. I'm so sorry I can't give you that."

I couldn't take seeing this little girl heart broken anymore.

"I can't be your mommy but I can be there for you. I will be there if ever need anything okay?" She nods and gives me a big hug.


Sorry if it's short I'm typing on my phone. So please vote and comment on how you like it.

Made a few little changes. I feel like it aint so cheesy and cringe worthy. I'm slowly making it better guys.

Bad boy's baby girl ( Major Editing)Where stories live. Discover now