Chapter 3

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Cassie nodded her head "Yay!! I got you. Now other kids won't make fuwn of me." Cassie says and my heart breakes to know kids make fun of her for not having a mom.

"Um I don't know, Cassie why don't you go watch cartoons so me and Liz can talk. Okay?" Then she was gone like a bullet.

"I am so sorry, I didn't know she would say that.If you want to leave, I can take you home."

"I don't want to leave and I don't mind I don't want to go home just yet."

"Elizabeth, what happens to you at home? Why are you scared to go back?"

I sighed knowing that someone is going to find out other then Sam. Why not someone that I kinda trust? I took a deep breath.

"My sister was amazing she made everyone's day before everything went down, we were a happy family, we were a real family. Then one night we were driving, we were going home from the amusement park, my dad asked me if someone was coming on my side I told them no. We were going and a car came out of nowhere, a drunk driver hit us. We all survived but my sister. We were dragged out of the car, I was left alone. Then I saw my mom on the ground crouch over she was crying. I asked her what was wrong? She turned around and I saw anger, hate and no love. She said it was all my fault I should be the one that dead not her. From then on my parents blamed me, saying it was my fault. They would beat me and get drunk and do drugs."

A tears streamed down my face. Only Sam knew the story about what happened he tried telling me it wasn't my fault but I never believed him. I was ready for the pity and him not wanting to be around me anymore but the opposite happened.

Ethan pulled me into a hug, and said soothing words. When I calmed my crying down, he pulled away and cupped my face

"You are not worthless and it was not your fault, you are not going back." Wait, what did he just say.

"What?" I asked with tons of confusion

"I said you are not living in that place anymore. We are going to get your stuff and you are not going back."

"But Ethan, I don't have a place to live. I can't live on the streets? I mean I could crash at Sam's but I feel like to much of a burden. Besides it was my fault for all this to happen, I should have saw that truck coming. I really don't blame my parents for hating me. Heck I even hate myself." I mumble the last part knowing if I said it to loud it would tick him off.

"Let's get some things straight. You won't be living on the streets, or be a burden to anyone cause you will have me you can have one of the many bedrooms and it is not your fault you were a little girl. Now we are going to your house and getting your stuff." He said while grabbing his keys.

"Wait what about cassie?"

"Oh yea. One sec."he says and walks to an intercom thing

"Rosy, can you please watch Cassie?"

"Sure Mr. Ethan." A elderly lady said back to the intercom.

With that we went to my living hell.

Bad boy's baby girl ( Major Editing)Where stories live. Discover now