Lake View

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Merry Christmas and a happy new year to you all


Slade William Taylor -senior, foot  ball captain, 18, blonde hair, muscular, crystal blue eyes ,6 feet 7inches tall .

Xavier Ryder Taylor -junior, swimming V-p, 17, blackish blonde hair, muscular, green forest eyes ,6 feet 5 inches tall.

Andrew Michael Taylor -sophmore, basketball player, 16 ,brown hair ,bluish grey eyes, muscular ,6 feet 3 inches tall.  


Chase Dylan Taylor -sophmore, basket ball player, 16, bluish grey eyes, muscular 6 feet 4 inches tall.

Riley Jordan Taylor -, freshman at Lake view,15 ,green eyes, prankster ,  5 feet 3 inches tall  and I'm a girl scratch that the only girl.


"Riley don't get expelled from this school too because if you do we won't have to look for a new school cause you won't be going to school anymore understand and when I say we I mean all of us except you  " my mom said glancing at me through the rear view of her car.

I could have taken my self to school but my mom decided to make sure I don't have any tricks up my sleeve or practically burn down the school.

"Yes mom I get I won't burn down this school...."

"I'll be watching you Missy " pointing her long manicured index finger in my face

".....Yet "earning a glare from my mom Gloria Taylor

"Let's go before I regret bringing you to lake view.

I forgot to tell you I have successfully egged a principals car,burnt a  science lab, gave another's principals house a good tp, smashed a math teacher car, beat up the history teacher for giving me an f and I have never been seriously punished except expulsion,the list doesn't end there though I've been to 12 schools in just my first and second semesters of junior high every time  it's the same exposure  or three days suspension.

"Good afternoon Mrs Taylor, please sit. So I hear she is a prankster and we do not tolerate that so if she must stay at this school she will obey all rules no exceptions and if she does not I will file a report for school disturbance. I also know that you have 4 sons in this school and they have all been giving me problems and if she also does they are all expelled   " The principal Clark Jennings said looking very serious,when I'm done with him they won't be a school to file a report for.

"I understand and I will make them co-operate and they won't cause trouble right Riley "

"Whatever, fine I'll be good for now " I whispered the last part I'm sure mom heard it but the principal was too caught up in my previous school files.

"Okay miss Riley here is  your schedule and make sure you attend all classes if you get lost or can't find your class look above the door in front of you . "He pushed his falling glasses back to his eyes saying more thing  to my mom about my school behavior.

Schedule: 9 subjects each day










Advanced literature

"History of all subjects history's my first, this is karma ain't it "I said bumping into some hard wall ,punching it and right in the middle

"Hey first you bump into me then punch me seriously "some dude said looking down on me . Am I that short Jesus

"I didn't bump into you, you bumped into me  "

"so you're not apologizing "he said looking a little impatient

"Of course I'm not you dumb ass "

"Prepare for your new nightmare life because I run  this school. " he said  and walked away, rude much.

History class I'm late on my first day because of that ass I ran into walking into the class

"Miss Taylor you're late for your class "the history teacher scolded as I looked up and saw him (mystery guy)talking to some girl throwing herself at him.

"I'm sorry "

mystery guy one

Me zero

It's on

"You should be" the teacher said as I sat at the back of the class far away from the flirtatious giggles, disgusting.

Finally lunch time after hard core science lecture about the female and male body where some blonde dude asked the teacher if he could have sex with her to prove he was correct.

"Hey you wanna sit with me "a chirpy red head said

"Sure why not " I said sitting down

"So what's your name "we both said at the same time.

"Cindy ,you "

"Riley "

"Your name is nice "

"so is yours "

Then someone or something must have being behind me for the red head to start blushing like crazy or she just didn't get a complimented all the time but I went with option one and held the pepper spray in my bag then turned around and saw my 4 dorky brothers

"Don't scare me like that again,I could've pepper sprayed you "I said looking at Slade.

"Yet you didn't now did you "he said sitting down with me and the red head as girls either shot me dirty looks or you're so lucky.

"What's your name"Andrew asked Cindy

"It's C-Cindy loft "she just stuttered because of Andrew,really.

"Are you new here I've never seen you around before "

"no I'm not been here since 7th grade "

"oh well then good to meet you Cindy loft "

The rest of my new and permanent school was boring and went by very fast.

How was the book it's my first book so please don't hate

Vote comment and prank

Song of the day
Me and my broken heart by toxin  

Bye bye my little pranksters

Alej. ♡ ☜  


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